Friday, July 30, 2010

Where Nature & Spirits Intersect

Gazing into the afternoon sky
While this Westward sun's
Slowly setting,
Filtering its rays
Through porch and trees
Cooling the carpet below my feet
Forest's growing silent
Soon to frame a crescent moon

On wires above, I wonder
How our voices travel so far
Where the birds they gather
Over every thought crossed

Waves transmit

Mosquitoes circle below me
While long wet grass
Licks my ankles
Turning my nose
At rain so relentless

Fixed we are
Like a grid
Where nature & Spirits intersect
Only rest assured
When God forgives-
He also rectifies
Like the silver cord-that's severed
No man or spirits
Can hold you

So run the race
Lay aside every encumbrance
Pursue peace with all men,
Pluck the root of bitterness
So your victory be sweet.."
Heb. 12~

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jungle Jive

Black King Wood Bee above

(Orchid Tree)

These guys work well in (link to program below photos) just because of their striking colors..
I did a 3 Pt series on light & color but only the second part was focused on chameleons including some background info I don't wish to repeat~ 
Flower below was just a touch of saturation in Picasa..
Below is the link to the program I used-

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Baby Pictures...

bebé Zdjęcia
младенец изображения

Tangled up in blue...
Husband's Automotive shop~
Męża  Motoryzacja Sklep
супруг  автомобильно магазин  
Elly May~

Monday, July 26, 2010

Unglamorous Morning

Good morning! Though I've never been a morning person- I'm still up at the crack of dawn!
(w górę wcześnie)
вверх рано
Once I start the coffee..I play a game of Frisbee (my dog likes it better than a morning walk now)!
So this is a peek-
 (I wear an old t would too if you wore a bird on your shoulder)
old shirt-
stary koszula~ ptak rufa
старый рубашка~  птица корма
Zasad Rano (unglamorous morning)
Kawa ~ coffee
Miłość ptak ~love bird
утро кофеий ~morning coffee
глядя изможденный~ haggard
птица влюбленности ~love bird
(coffee cup with bird you may of seen- they are a re-post)..

What else is on the menu? (Меню), ( My voice gets a bit muffled)
Fruit juice
10 grain (Love bird enjoys) & Muesli cereal~ Каша, zboże
Raw Fish~  рыба,  -for Kitty -  surowy ryba dla kicia
сырой рыбы для котенок
My dog - pies -śniadanie ,
собака завтрак..
has her breakfast too..

(Click to play video below)

Kolosan 2:9
Дай Вам Бог здоровья

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fairy Tales

Fairy tales~
tong hua

Butterfly~ Wild Sunflower
бабочка ~дикий  подсолнечник
słonecznik ~dziki motyl
fluture~ sălbatic floarea-soarelui

The Pulelehua (butterfly) is in a 75% survival decline throughout Hawai`i Nei

Friday, July 23, 2010


Originally, an apothecary was simply a shopkeeper – the word comes via Old French from late Latin apothēcārius, which was based on Greek apothḗkē ‘storehouse’ (source, via French, of boutique (18th c.) and via Spanish of bodega (19th c.)), a derivative of the verb apotithénai ‘put away’ (formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and the verb tithénai ‘put’ – source of thesis).

By the time the word entered English it was reserved to shopkeepers who sold non-perishable groceries, such as spices – and herbal and other remedies. Gradually, apothecaries began to specialize more and more in drugs, so that in 1617 a formal separation took place between the Apothecaries’ Company of London and the Grocers’ Company. Apothecary remained the general term for a ‘druggist’ until about 1800, when chemist began to take over.

There must be a lot of people who feel pretty lousy..(just take a look at a typical website for diseases)- the drop down list of ailments is staggering! You should be happy I'm not going there!
Having said that, I don't really have much respect for the FDA ..but it seems when it comes to health or politics, your dealing partly with the spiritual realm too- whether we realize it or not ? (I like to hope we can all learn something from one another though).
Anyway, this reminds me (sickness or what have you) of something I encountered back in the 80's shortly after I began to learn about who Jesus Christ was. It was something known as (name it and claim it)  Although this was my experience, I do hope I'm not stepping on any one's toes. Now this crowd felt you must be positive without wavering- God is required to answer - known also as (Word-Faith).  “Believe it in your heart; say it with your mouth.."By His stripes you are healed" -the principle of faith being- you can have what you say. 

Well, I saw a movie a few years ago -What the Bleep Do We Know, you may of heard or seen it..actually well done- but (this link) will give you a quick description for a film that's often "been criticized for misrepresenting science and containing pseudoscience, and has been described as quantum mysticism.."  It just smacks the same to me- maybe on another level as W.F.?  

The Greek word ἰατρός (iatrós, doctor or healer) is often translated as physician. Ἱατρός is not preserved directly in English, but occurs in such formations as psychiatrist (translates from Greek as healer of the soul)... iatrogenic disease (a disease caused by medical treatment). In Latin, the word medicus meant much what physician or doctor does now.

My point is , does God always heal or do we create our own reality? Do we try and work faith to our advantage? While I'm at it..just what should be regulated? Hey..and what about Michael Jackson..was it all the Doctors fault?
I don't appreciate guilt like in the above and I don't think there are any short cuts either..however, that doesn't mean I've never resorted to it! (cough)
Now God says, “I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15:26.. rather to me, this is an invitation to get more out of it (as in a relationship..learning His ways) than merely being healed- though healing would be ideal?
I've found that I don't have all the answers, but God in his infinite wisdom has always come through in whatever crisis I've gone through,  may find myself in presently or in the future- that He gives wisdom as we learn to trust Him.  One reason is because suffering produces patience and I firmly believe this is one of the chief reasons behind and for "building up the body" . There has to be spoils. I'd love to hear what you think?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wrestling With The Darkness

Its when I can tell...
(Mauna Road in Sepia- might enlarge)

I know right from wrong
But can't see life
Through rosy glasses

Well, slowly my time here winds on
So if just to discern
Put the wrong in the right
Yes, and the right where it's wrong

Mud's being slung everywhere
So I take a giant leap of faith
Place my foot in the unseen
My back to what would fasten me
My ears to an uncommon song
Along a hidden obscure path

Where too, I'm thrown into this ring
To duel in fiery trials
That pass as silently as they come
I wrestle with the darkness
And sift through falsehood

So if just to discern
For it's when I can tell~
I know right from wrong..
Put the wrong where it's right
Ya, and the right where it's wrong
My feet in the unseen
And my back to all that would fasten me
My ears to an uncommon song
It's the road not always taken
Along a hidden obscure path
That's where you'll find me

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back Room Musings

First, just want to say thanks to all of you for your friendship and expressions of kindness-
this has meant a lot!
Shut in..
Or shut out?
But never completely
Can feel 
Like it's passing you by

The world
From our sphere
Appears so troubling
Someone has a better view..

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known
1 Co 13:12

I promise..if there was an enchanting dragonfly perched on this floater I would of been thrilled, sigh..twas another Chameleon! But I can assure you- there will be more!
 Frank's a diver (brother-in-law).. wandering in the back yard, I found his floater - (not glass but hard plastic) in the limbs of our R.Poinciana tree. Behold..two chameleon's -I guessed  them to be lovers, and they were chasing each other on top..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Taking a short break until I feel better~

But I won't forget to drop by-

This verse here is what I'm trying to keep in mind..
Is. 26:3
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is'stayed on thee ; because he trusteth in thee.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Shower & Puddy in Sepia (Pt.2)

Yellow Shower growing beside my husband's shop..
(carrying this over from Giant's & Dwarfs)

Giant Crape Myrtle peers out..mixed between two shades of yellow (I think the light one- a favorite, is only visible here) with a pink shower~

There is no method of obtaining a velvety lawn but by repeated mowings; and there is no way of developing tenderness, evenness, sympathy, but by the passing of God's scythes. How constantly the Word of God compares man to grass, and His glory to its flower! But when grass is mown, and all the tender shoots are bleeding, and desolation reigns where flowers were bursting, it is the most acceptable time for showers of rain falling soft and warm.
Taken from Mrs. Charles Cowman devotional (you can continue reading here in ~
Streams in the Desert
Our then kitten..same time last year, sitting in the bed of a pickup with the fallen blossoms~

Monday, July 12, 2010

House Pad In The Jungle

OK, my son Byron here just made the big 30! Your looking at a pineapple upside down cake I made..original huh? He's waiting for me to snap the photo. I can't believe we forgot to sing- almost unheard of (serious)
Below, younger son Jesse- who just made 28yrs a couple weeks ago.
You can tell he takes himself seriously like me? (lol)

 I'll spare you of all the sentimentality.. only going to mention that he had a lot cleared beginning some time last year. There is still plenty of Strawberry Guava (we love them) but they happen to be more invasive in this area) -pictured beside very old Ohia trees, with (a huge fungus) you may of seen posted here-growing midway. Well, it fell recently- second shot (sniff), but I think it's a fine specimen!!

He invited my husband and I up yesterday to take a look at some of the work. They discussed sensible things like square footage, the need for Thompson's water seal (rain here has a tendency to warp  wood fast) and roofing that would be next. But it was bad enough that I couldn't seem to stay focused or serious-my dog even followed me through the bushes sniffling and whining impatiently- while I snapped pictures!! Then, jumped on the table trying to get in-between..

She thought her tail made a fine hat? Look at him..he's seriously considering getting a dog (heh heh)
 Carpet of dense ferns below.. enlarge the last one to get an idea~

Ya, that's a tail in there~

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Giants & Dwarfs, Pt. 1

Just for the fun of it..

Dwarf pink, almost salmon colored Royal Poinciana  I planted from seed-

Center macro next is of the large orange tree (not the best as it's nearly the end of blooming)
This one below took seven years to bloom?
Macro above- tree of the Giant lavender/purple Crape Myrtle
I planted them years back around my husbands shop..(when we lived in a shack) heh heh)) We picked up property and built next to this..but its what his customers get to see! 
Our cat Elly May sitting the bed of a truck, among those fallen leaves and blossoms (last year when she was just a kitten) ~
Below, are the pinker shade from the Dwarf Crape Myrtle (our house side).. all in bloom now~
Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!