Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back Room Musings

First, just want to say thanks to all of you for your friendship and expressions of kindness-
this has meant a lot!
Shut in..
Or shut out?
But never completely
Can feel 
Like it's passing you by

The world
From our sphere
Appears so troubling
Someone has a better view..

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known
1 Co 13:12

I promise..if there was an enchanting dragonfly perched on this floater I would of been thrilled, sigh..twas another Chameleon! But I can assure you- there will be more!
 Frank's a diver (brother-in-law).. wandering in the back yard, I found his floater - (not glass but hard plastic) in the limbs of our R.Poinciana tree. Behold..two chameleon's -I guessed  them to be lovers, and they were chasing each other on top..


Flat Creek Farm said...

It took me awhile to catch up! Now that I back up a bit... I see I've missed some beautiful photography and verse... and that you've been under the weather? Oh my, hope all is well. Needless to say, I love the chicken pictures ;) All of your photography, as always.. truly gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better! -Tammy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

more proof photography takes the mundane and makes it beautiful. that floater would be ugly if just seen as a floater, in this it is art. he header looks like the flower crated a bowtie. the bee is dancing in the air, th chickens I LOVE the bestest. in fact i love all your photos today.

Leenie said...

Your post fits nicely with the weather outside. Promised to be perfect this morning--NOT. Clouded up while I was at work. I almost didn't make my walk home before the rain. Now thunder here mixed with the tropical rail sound track of your blog. Shut in or shut out? I guess the gardening I was planning will be replaced by computer screen time. Your post was a nice way to procrastinate both.

Love those little lizards in love.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad to see you posting again!! As usual, it is fabulous! The bee pictures are outstanding!! And I never get tired of the sweet little chameleons! I got your e-mails, was gone all day yesterday, thanks so much. I'm sending you an e-mail tonight!

Butternut Squash said...

Focusing on the minute details of our beautiful world, puts the whole in a better perspective. How much joy is there in finding one perfect lizard? Lovely.

Joyful said...

Beautiful photos. Have I asked you before...what kind of camera do you use? p.s. i love the verse too.


Good day!How are You!


The new header is very interesting............

rainfield61 said...

Nice to see you again.

I have many dragonflies around, but seldom see a chameleon, not to mention having any face-to-face communication.

Does your Chameleon talk American English?

eileeninmd said...

Great post and photos! Your poetry is just lovely. I love dragonflies and see them often around my yard but I never see chameleons. I hope you are doing well and have a great weekend.

Regina said...

Pretty amazing!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!