Saturday, July 10, 2010

Giants & Dwarfs, Pt. 1

Just for the fun of it..

Dwarf pink, almost salmon colored Royal Poinciana  I planted from seed-

Center macro next is of the large orange tree (not the best as it's nearly the end of blooming)
This one below took seven years to bloom?
Macro above- tree of the Giant lavender/purple Crape Myrtle
I planted them years back around my husbands shop..(when we lived in a shack) heh heh)) We picked up property and built next to this..but its what his customers get to see! 
Our cat Elly May sitting the bed of a truck, among those fallen leaves and blossoms (last year when she was just a kitten) ~
Below, are the pinker shade from the Dwarf Crape Myrtle (our house side).. all in bloom now~


Ginny Hartzler said...

Dwarf Crepe Myrtle, Giant Crepe Myrtle, oy!! I had no idea there were these different kinds! Let me just say that Crepe Myrtle is one of my favorite trees (bushes?). I have been running all over town again this year taking pictures of them! I must stop the car when I see them and snap away! You'll be seeing a post on them. But we only have one kind. The giant one is so pretty, it doesn't really look like a crepe myrtle at all. I wouldn't have known. Surely that orange flower is not from a tree that grows oranges?

rainfield61 said...

Salmon red?!

The creater had accidently spilled salmon onto the Royal Poinciana or the other way round?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I listened to the youtube video, it made me really angry. I had not heard about this at all. i have been not watching news lately, but now i think I should. very scary.
we have 3 dwarf poincinas, but hours are really dark red with bright yellow trim. we grew them from seeds also. we gave our biggest one to my friend. ours took about 3 years to bloom, 7 years is a long time. that is how long it took the avacado and grapefruit trees to have fruit and they were planted from seeds.

the donkey defender came to my attention when we went to visit the new baby filly and robert introduced me to his neighbors donkey, the one in the picture. Robert told me why the donkey was there and that they were getting one for their livestock. i came home an googled donkey guards and that is how i found it. glad to see you back posting.

doro said...

Marvelous!! You are magic gardener! Like a dress - flower dress!
Thanks for Your comments and nice words about my organic jewellery; I use skeleton of leaf and real gold and silver.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful blooms, I love the Crape Myrtle, it is a favorite of mine. I have a trumpet vine that has blooms on it for the first time in 7 years. I wonder why some plants take so long to bloom.

Regina said...

Wow you have a green thumb my friend. They are amazing and gorgeous! Love all!
Thank you for sharing.

Leenie said...

The blessing of living in one place over a long period of time is how you get to see the fruits of your labors in the garden. Some plants take a loooong time to show their full beauty. Your flowers are so elegant and even dazzling. The macro photography really brings out the details. A macro lens is on my wish list.


Good morning!
Wonderful post!


I love the flowers.............


The colours of the these blossoms are very interesting...........


Beautiful cat...........


I do not so like tree that blooms one time in 7 years.....Interesting!

Butternut Squash said...

I saw my first crepe myrtle in the dead of winter and thought it was a big sticky weed. I chopped it down to the nubbins. Low and behold it bloomed the next year. I couldn't believe how gorgeous this little bush was. It has now grown into a glorious bushy tree at least 20 feet tall.
Love your photos!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ya, I love them too Ginny..but no oranges on the R.P. I think or felt your spelling was -looks right so I looked it up but see both? Hmm.
Indeed Rainfields..theses came out a bit darker too- Sandra, oh that's great (and they want to celebrate the opening on 911! Thanks- you enjoy planting from seed as well and your certainly in the right place too! Oh, I watched the Donkey Defender with my hubby this morning -(saved the link last night)- Amazing!!
Doro- thank you- your work is fabulous!(I'm putting your link up (hugs)..Regina- thanks -and for your visit..have a great day! Eileen, aren't they though- best part of the Summer,huh! Leenie, I know..slower but ya, now I'm getting older so I'd think getting started with a few gallon size, (lol) thank you! Hello Amin..your so funny! It blooms each year, it just took seven until first blossoms..glad you enjoyed them, have a wonderful day- Wow Butternut..least you got a nice surprise!

Self Sagacity said...

the myrtle trees are so beautiful. I have three, and love them all, but can't take credit for growing them from seed...I wish. :-))

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there Self S..thanks, I only planted the dwarf R.P from seed and the giant slow starting R.P. from a seedling. Funning, the dwarf Crape Myrtle was from a tree a friend of mine had..a shoot had popped up from the root and took. Thanks for your visit-

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!