Monday, July 26, 2010

Unglamorous Morning

Good morning! Though I've never been a morning person- I'm still up at the crack of dawn!
(w górę wcześnie)
вверх рано
Once I start the coffee..I play a game of Frisbee (my dog likes it better than a morning walk now)!
So this is a peek-
 (I wear an old t would too if you wore a bird on your shoulder)
old shirt-
stary koszula~ ptak rufa
старый рубашка~  птица корма
Zasad Rano (unglamorous morning)
Kawa ~ coffee
Miłość ptak ~love bird
утро кофеий ~morning coffee
глядя изможденный~ haggard
птица влюбленности ~love bird
(coffee cup with bird you may of seen- they are a re-post)..

What else is on the menu? (Меню), ( My voice gets a bit muffled)
Fruit juice
10 grain (Love bird enjoys) & Muesli cereal~ Каша, zboże
Raw Fish~  рыба,  -for Kitty -  surowy ryba dla kicia
сырой рыбы для котенок
My dog - pies -śniadanie ,
собака завтрак..
has her breakfast too..

(Click to play video below)

Kolosan 2:9
Дай Вам Бог здоровья


doro said...

hahahaha, so cute! ;))
crack of dawn - wczesnym świtem
love bird - ptak miłości
raw fish for kitty - bravo!!! świeża ryba dla kici ;)))

coffe cereal? kawa zbożowa (probably)

doro said...

This bird is lovely!!!!!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hey, thank you Doro!! I hope you didn't have trouble playing the video? Looks so dark on the page?

rainfield61 said...

That bird is having the white beard of Santa Claus. Lovely.

Ginny Hartzler said...

How much I love this post, I don't know where to begin. First, what ARE those beautiful blue flowers? You are very busy in the morning and a lot of sweetie pies depend on you! I don't know which I like the best, your cute bird waiting so patiently, or glimpses of you talking to him, like I'm in the kitchen with you! What is this other language you're writing in, and how many languages can you speak and write??

Kilauea Poetry said...

Rainfields, I could use a translator! (lol)thanks!
Ginny..glad you enjoyed this! I thought it would provide a funny peek! I used an on-line translation for a few individual words for my Polish (blogging friend) as well as a Russian speaking blogger- who I've gathered from- that the translator I'm using above might not be too effective? I thought this might be a fun way to fill in something? I wish I could speak another language.

Unknown said...

Great little bird so cute. Theres a children's programme in Uk called third and bird reminds me of that my grandson watches it. follow link:

Joyful said...

Enjoyed your morning with you. It looks like your pets all wait patiently for you. that is great. I liked watching your bird waiting on the counter too :-)

The Write Girl said...

This is a lovely post...what language is that btw? It is quite interesting. I didn't know you were multi-lingual which is nice. Hope you have a great week :)

Leenie said...

What sweet friends! I can see why you are an early riser--like it or not. I only have one large kitty and if I'm not getting up to get him breakfast when he thinks I should, I get meeeeyowed at and poked. And he has a newspaper tablecloth too. Cats may be neat freaks but are messy eaters. Love the little love bird.

Leenie said...

The main source of food and home for mainland Monarchs--milkweed plants--is being eradicated by herbicides. Thus less Monarchs here as well. Sad to see such beauty disappear. Glad there are those who still care enough to work to save them.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Kev? thanks..I'll check that link out!
Hi there Joyful, thanks for joining me in my morning zaniness!
Hi there Katina..Russian and Polish- neither of which I speak (looked them up)..(grin)-thank you..
You hit it on the nose Leenie- they are certainly neat but different when it comes to eating! Thanks for checking out the link and your mention! I'm going to go ahead and plant a hedge of that Crown Flower too! I noticed they're really attracted to the sunflowers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the movie is fun and made me smile and gave me a peek into your life. I LOVE IT!!!! you must have an HD video recorder. the picture is very clear and sharp in the video. the bird is a love for sure and you know i love the dog and the cats. ginny is right, lots of sweeties depend on you. I only have two in the kitchen when we are in there, but one they are both a little bigger than your dog, so they take up lots of room. i thought you were speaking another language, but I read your replies and think it was a great idea. it amazes me that people all over the world come and read and write on our blogs in English but we can't go to theirs and read unless they post in English. I love traveling the world by blog
your voice is deeper than I thought it would be. i am trying to decide what accent you have. you sound a lot like my husbands daughter from PA, are you from our northen states

Anonymous said...

I'm not a morning person either, but I have to work, so....
That lil one is a cuuutie! Have fun w/ the frisbee!

Anzu said...

I enjoyed the scene of well-served so cute family, and surprised to see a pretty bird is compatible with cats.
((( ・Θ・)♪☆♪(=^・ェ・^=)


Very interesting post...........


I speak in my native language in Azerbaijan,in Russian,In Turkish and English...The Azerbaijan and Turkish almost the same language


Very beautiful video


The color of the cat is very interesting.


It is not easy to understand the poem in English for me.........I do not know the English very well


Cute post.




How I can find Your first post?


To day I could go till-------Party Spirits---Monday,July 13 ,2009-----I wanted to find the first post..The to write in old Your post ,it is nothing for me.
To day I wrote in this post-----------


Good night!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Sandra..ya, we imagine (like voices would be)..funny, yours was different to me to -even that short clip. Was my cyber sony shot..not too bad- thank you so much!! I was so fed up with my pictures of this moon two nights ago..back to the blurr!! Anyway, me too, I love this virtual world.
Greetings Trisha, thanks for your visit!
Anzu..happy for your visit and glad you enjoyed this!
Amin, I appreciate your input, so I guess the picture will have to tell the story. Have a wonderful day!

eileeninmd said...

I have to say, I just love your bird! Such a pretty thing. Great psot, I am always an early riser. I am usually at work by 6:30 am.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!