Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ripple & The 5 O'clock Shadow

He said he liked the lipstick
But not the lip...

No, I'm not suggesting
You have any wine
To help you understand
This frame of mind

Well I turned up the volume
On a little Spanish guitar
Sat in the tub
Though wasn't so very far
When I began to read
About that mosque (or 15 story middle finger) ,

All those Martyrs
The seduction of Cordoba

When I figured
It was time
To pour me a drop

But my mind 
It had wandered
To all that Shiraz
  A malfunction on the forklift
At a $150.00 a pop
Marquis plans
To recoup the loss?

Still kinda wished
It simply a been Ripple (amusing youtube link)
Running past the dimple
On some 5 O'clock shadow..
Course, it was just my imagination~


Joyful said...

ha ha, loved your little poem. So glad you seem to be relaxing as you sit in that tub. Hope you feel great! Love the new header and background. Is the background a Monet painting?

Joyful said...

Managed to link to all the embedded links and understand now about Cordoba and the NYC mosque references. I hope this can all get resolved in a peaceful way and one that is pleasing to God.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope he had LOTS of insurance!! Love the poem and the image of you sitting in the tub, with wine that is obviously NOT Shiraz! Cool header!

rainfield61 said...

"He said he liked the lipstick
But not the lip..."

I like this!!!

I can see stories. .. ... .... .....

and you catch my brain very busy

eileeninmd said...

Hi, Regina! I cringed when I saw all the broken wine bottles. What a waste. Great post, I hope you are doing well. I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.

Regina said...

Thanks Penny..I'm glad you checked those links out..ya, doesn't appear so good, but life's a battle and we'll probably leave with black an blue eyes (lol) (the header I checked cause I wasn't sure- Jean Beraud)
Ginny, ya..I read he's doig that. The wine wasn't Ripple either (ha ha)
Hey thanks, glad you enjoyed the read Rainfields!
Eileen, me too..wishing you a good afternoon

Webbielady said...

what an incredibly-written imagination! Talented!

Regina said...

Hey there Webbielady- thanks an cheers!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the header shot.. such a shame that beautiful building was destroyed. as for the wine i wish i could destroy all the alcohol in the world, and i would. it destroys lives much more than cigarettes. it killed my uncle it killed my cousin it killed my husbands first wife it made a paraplegic out of my best friends son. i could go on but will not. this came from the comment about cringing to see the broken wine bottles.

Regina said...

Good morning Sandra. A quote I heard by I don't know who?
"What your parents do in moderation, your kids will or do in excess" sobering?
Ya, kinda here and there on both sides of my family as well, then people do that with food or work and what not (endless)? Do you think there might be a connection with self medicating? I remember driving with my dad to buy a quart of beer on Saturday morning's at Alpha Beta (neither parents were smokers)..he enjoyed one with a BBQ and especially after the lawn was nice and moan (smile) and both still enjoy a glass of wine at dinner. My husband too will generally drink one beer and that does the trick. I guess the idea of not letting it rule them) We're complex and mysterious) (ha ha)

Filipina Ini said...

Interesting why they demolished the church... or was it destroyed by natural calamities? Got to search around...

Regina said...

Hello there Filipina Ini..ya, it was destroyed when the jihadists struck on 911. The irony is they haven't been able to rebuild this church, but somehow this mosque (stealth jihad) has a green light? Anyway, thanks for stopping by-

The Write Girl said...

Love your rhymes. You weave your words so beautifully Regina. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to read the links you added. Work and life has been busy lately. Have a great weekend!!


Hello! How are You?!
Have a wonderful day with You family!


Last photos about flowers are not from my garden....I have a very little garden...

Anzu said...

I keep regular consumption of moderate amounts of red or white wine for years. Allow me to drink it as wine is considered to be healthy. _Y_ヽ(゚▽^*)

Regina said...

Thank you Amin! I have only a little garden this year too..wishin you a great day and will be by shortly-
Hi there Ann, it is suppose to be. I wonder if the red more so? Thank you for your visit!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!