Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Shower & Puddy in Sepia (Pt.2)

Yellow Shower growing beside my husband's shop..
(carrying this over from Giant's & Dwarfs)

Giant Crape Myrtle peers out..mixed between two shades of yellow (I think the light one- a favorite, is only visible here) with a pink shower~

There is no method of obtaining a velvety lawn but by repeated mowings; and there is no way of developing tenderness, evenness, sympathy, but by the passing of God's scythes. How constantly the Word of God compares man to grass, and His glory to its flower! But when grass is mown, and all the tender shoots are bleeding, and desolation reigns where flowers were bursting, it is the most acceptable time for showers of rain falling soft and warm.
Taken from Mrs. Charles Cowman devotional (you can continue reading here in ~
Streams in the Desert
Our then kitten..same time last year, sitting in the bed of a pickup with the fallen blossoms~


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the sepia and the dappled light in the kitten pictures! And the lovely pale yellow blooms with the blur sky behind. Your analogy is so apt and true.

The Write Girl said...

What gorgeous trees and blossom Regina. I love the photo of your kitten. Beautiful post.

rainfield61 said...

If the world goes without flowers, birds, butterfly and so on, how bored our life is....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I always love seeing your wonderful Hawaii landscapes and flowers and trees. but you know what captured my heart and got several oooh and awwwws. Kitty in the truck. I like the sepia and they are both beautiful photos. kitty is so tiny sitting there

The Muse said...

These words sent shivers through me...
but by the passing of God's scythes.
Nice. His work is powerful.


Beautiful cat!


Beautiful trees!

Unknown said...

excellent photos, specially the guy in sepia and thanks for the words of wisdom.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!