Monday, July 12, 2010

House Pad In The Jungle

OK, my son Byron here just made the big 30! Your looking at a pineapple upside down cake I made..original huh? He's waiting for me to snap the photo. I can't believe we forgot to sing- almost unheard of (serious)
Below, younger son Jesse- who just made 28yrs a couple weeks ago.
You can tell he takes himself seriously like me? (lol)

 I'll spare you of all the sentimentality.. only going to mention that he had a lot cleared beginning some time last year. There is still plenty of Strawberry Guava (we love them) but they happen to be more invasive in this area) -pictured beside very old Ohia trees, with (a huge fungus) you may of seen posted here-growing midway. Well, it fell recently- second shot (sniff), but I think it's a fine specimen!!

He invited my husband and I up yesterday to take a look at some of the work. They discussed sensible things like square footage, the need for Thompson's water seal (rain here has a tendency to warp  wood fast) and roofing that would be next. But it was bad enough that I couldn't seem to stay focused or serious-my dog even followed me through the bushes sniffling and whining impatiently- while I snapped pictures!! Then, jumped on the table trying to get in-between..

She thought her tail made a fine hat? Look at him..he's seriously considering getting a dog (heh heh)
 Carpet of dense ferns below.. enlarge the last one to get an idea~

Ya, that's a tail in there~


Leenie said...

Happy birthday to the guys. Wow! about the botany. And hehe about the doghair hat. And the dogtail fern.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your sons are so cute!! Very unusual pictures with a furry tour guide who is more than interested in his job!

Joyful said...

Happy Birthday to the birthday boy! Wonderful photos as always my friend.

Jesson Balaoing said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post!

Regina said...

They are both good looking.
Happy Happy Birthday both!
Your header is fantastic. Love it.
Great awesome pics my friend.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't think where to start. I will start with what i like best in this post. The Big Tall Trees, love the one looking up into the never land like jack and the beanstalk. next favorite is of course the tail hat. to funny and i willmake that my first favorite since i think about it. 2 very handsome sons, you are blessed. all of the photos are mind boggling especailly the header, i want to see that myself. actually i want to see All of this you posted today, including the sons and of course The Tail.

Unknown said...

thank you for sharing your son's birthday with us, and yes i also see the tail.

i love your new layout.

rainfield61 said...

I love ferns, and yours look like the tail of a peacock, except the clour.

Ferns always tell me some fantastic stories.


Happy happy birthday both !


Beautiful photos of the trees.............


Teh new header is very beautiful.Beautiful place.

doro said...

Hahaha, so cute cake!!!!! You have wonderful, hadsome sons!
Fantastic floral shots.

Jeannette StG said...

Sorry I missed the birthday party and your pineapple cake (looks sumptious!) -Happy birthday to your sons - my daughter is going to be "that" age in Sept.!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!