Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waimea Side, Switching Lanes

 Last weekend we started out on a drive along the County access road near Mauna Kea through old Parker Ranch land. But things are not the same..there are fences everywhere with mostly Kapu (keep out) signs as well as military.
The cattle kept the land beautiful once and always used to pop out somewhere to greet you on the long 4 hour drive through to Waimea. Gorse has taken over and there were so many weeds..

I call this a proud and unusual fellow! 
He was huge and must of felt like a tall Pine with his chest sticking out! Well we knew better, so we decided to turn around and head toward the Waimea side.

 We were happy we did
Below- a couple of drive by shots

You can see it was a bit dry..

Abandoned shack in sepia

Remember the Mr. Ed show?
"A horse is a horse of course of course..
And no one can talk to a horse of course

That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mister Ed.

People yakkity-yak the street and waste your time of day
But Mr. Ed will never speak unless he has something to say"
(Jay Livingston and Ray Evans)
But it was just like the wind to shift..
 Clouds and mist began to roll in-
You could even say the grass was greener on the other side
Ja 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow
More green grass and horsing around next...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't even pick a favorite today, I love them all. i scrolled through twice. the sky in the header and the sky with the smoke, so awesome. the horses and the cow made me smile. i love nature and animals and your post has it ALL today.

Joyful said...

Wonderful photos, Regina. You've made today's post extra special for me by quoting one of my favourite verses. The beauty of nature is one of those wonderful gifts we have been given :-)

Regina said...

Thanks Sandra..its really just thick clouds filled with mist- was a fun trip.
Hey Penny..glad you enjoyed this-

eileeninmd said...

Regina, a lovely verse and wonderful photos from your ride. I always enjoy the countryside and the farm animals. Horses are my favorite, but the cows have pretty eyes. I remember Mr Ed the talking horse. I hope you are having a great day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beautiful pictures, I love the sepia little shack. Are they wild horses? And what is that gorgeous deep red flower edged with white? And what is the thing in the second picture, I have never seen anything like it??

Regina said...

Ginny, the first two photos are of a strange overgrown weed of some sort.. Those horses were in a lovely home and seemed pretty tame too-
Eileen, thanks..we mostly saw turkeys that day (grin)

The Write Girl said...

This is beautiful Regina...I always say it's a joy to visit you :)

Joyful said...

Hi Regina, thanks for your comments on my last two posts. I'm not sure why you couldn't leave comments via your mobile or why it was easier to click on different posts from one place and not another.

The "new" look I have is the dynamic views via blogger. I quite like how easy it is to navigate and to change the page look. You, as the reader can also change the look to something you prefer (see the menu at the upper left hand corner where it gives you about 6 options or so). Blogger is still taking feedback about these dynamic views and it might be that some of the issues you're facing are the "kinks". I prefer the traditional blogger look for different reasons. I submitted that feedback to them. I'm just trying out these dynamic views for a brief change in scenery.

I just finished my last appointment for the week. I've cancelled all others. I need a little "me" time. Take care.

BlueShell said...

Oh...lovely...and the horses...wonderful. I loke the litle poeme...heheheh...All that green grass...I imagined I was in paradise!

Thank you for sharing.

rainfield61 said...

The photos are bright and wonderful.

They sound like "kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back to you."

Have a good day.


Hello! How are You?
Wonderful photos!


Beautiful header!


Have a wonderful week-end!

Joyful said...

Hey Regina, I love your new header. I just learned today that blogger is doing away with the "follow" button/widget so don't be surprised when we all start disappearing from your page. I am not sure how we get to keep following those we like, other than RSS feeds, subscriptions and google reader. Google wants us to use google +1 and I'm not sure that I like that ~ yet. Time will tell.

WebbieLady said...

the image in sepia is so lovely!

i love your header image today....

Regina said...

Thanks Katina
Penny, that was my laptop actually..I've been out traipsing around town all day and I'm exhausted, so haven't had a chance to look into it further but will tomorrow.
Thanks for mentioning all this..interesting about the follower. Well, funny many just disappear anyway? Hmm..
Hi BlueShell, thank you for your thoughts! Wishing you a wonderful day~
Rainfields, aways happy when you grace my page (lol) missed you-
Hi there Amin! Have a wonderful weekend~
WebbieLady, kind of it gives it a different perspective doesn't it..thanks!

Anzu said...

I feel wind in the grass among your poem which is composed by so impressive photos. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend !ヾ(´▽`)ノ

Regina said...

Thanks Ann ! Those were a few lines of a song from an old television series long ago. Wishing you a wonderful weekend as well

Vores have said...

Hej Regina.
Tak for dine søde kommentar på min blog.
Nyder at læse / følge din blog.
Jeg elsker at færdes i naturen, elsker dyr.
Regina, jeg kan desværre ikke installere en translate på min blog, da den er opbygget lidt anderledes.
Håber at du kan forstå / oversætte det jeg skriver.
Ønsker dig en rigtig god dag - pas godt på dig selv.
Knus Hanne Bente ♥

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!