Thursday, October 13, 2011

Men Do This Sort of Thing..

That's our little AC unit my husband picked out..I mean it's a GIANT TUBE that fits nicely on the bottom of our bay window. I sat in the car with our dog while he chose
this particular item. Do you think it's a little too big?(lol)
She stays cool and can still fit below the window when it isn't on.
It has wheels yet it's still heavy, but does look decent enough I suppose.
A Vietnamese woman I knew, once remarked about her husband's large stack of wood planks he drug home.
"why he like bring de uglee ting into de yard?!!"
Wonder what the men out there have to say?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Love your pretty header! Wow, we almost bought one of these because we have central air, but there aren't enough vents in the bedroom. So we thought we might buy one just for that room. How do you like it? Does it make a lot of noise? I have read that most men don't really see things like we do, they don't see anything messy when we do.

WebbieLady said...

That's a funny comment by the Viet lady...

eileeninmd said...

What can we can except men will be men. I guess the important thing is to stay cool. Is it an energy saver? LOL, I love the comment from the Vietnamese woman. I am looking forward to the weekend, maybe heads to the mountains to see the fall colors. Regina, have a wonderful weekend!

BlueShell said...

It is big...I say! it noisy too???


MadSnapper n Beau said...

who cares what it looks like, as long as it cools. AC rocks. and I see your sweet pup loves it. with all that fur I bet it feels great. I did not know these existed. i was thinking window unit, like sits in the window. this is great because you can move it where you need it. plug in and cool, I think Hubby did a good job.
your header is stunning and I like the new background, it looks super with the header.

Regina said...

Thanks does the trick and no it isn't noisy actually (they don't do they ha).
WLady..somethings you don't forget (lol)
Eilleen..yup and it is an energy saver. Enjoy your trip!
Greetings Blue Shell (nope)..thanks for the visit!
Thank you thank you is a big relief because I absolutley couldn't sleep it's been so hot and humid!

Anya said...

you make me giggle in the early morning :-)

(Yes Regina its very big .....
(mine is standing in our garage !!)

have a nice weekend
hugs from us all...

WebbieLady said...

@ Regina,

Indeed, youobviously remembered... when did she say that?

BlueShell said...

God Mornig dear! Thank you for your words. I'm getting a language translater son...I Think!
I am not sure if I manage to do it by mYself, but i'll try, ok?


Regina said...

Ahh..ha ha..thanks Anya!
WLady..gosh, about eight years back (smile)

B Shell, greetings..they aren't too difficult really. Anyway, it would be fun to read your posts..again, your photos are terrific- wishing you a wonderful day (I'm actually going to sleep) lol))

rainfield61 said...

No, the Vietnamese woman definitely did not point at me.

I always bring beautiful things back home.

And I have brought home a pretty girl twenty plus years ago.

Anzu said...

It's a funny story.
A man tend to think that heavy and tough goods protect his family.
On the other hand, a woman is pleased with a light and soft one.
When my daughter was born, I asked my husband to buy a milk pan for my baby. I had an image of a light and small pan. However, my husband purchased so big and heavy pan.(Θ_Θ;) I was so surprised at our different imagination at shopping.

(*^・ェ・)ノ Have a fun weekend !

Regina said...

Ah ha ha husband is a mechanic/comp diagnostics and I think he especially likes a contraptions that pose a challenge (snicker)
Ann, that is too funny!! Thanks-

Smareis said...

Não conhecia esse tudo, parece que economiza energia.Que lindo seu cachorro.Beijos e ótima semana.

Joyful said...

LOL. I've been looking at portable A/C units for years. I don't think this one is too big if you want it to work well. I've never bought on elike it because I have different windows and none (excpet patio door) that opens in front room. So I can't figure out how to deal with the tube which has to go to the outside. Anyway I hope it did work well for you. It's nice to stay cool in the heat of the summer. Hugs. xx

The Write Girl said...

Ha this is funny...I suppose it serves some purpose.


Interesting post...

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!