Friday, October 21, 2011

Horsing Around Pt. 2

Header photo of wild horses were taken on a previous trip a number of years ago (same road) towards evening when the deep cold mist settled in on the way back..don't they look like they could be related?

Joni Mitchell had it right..
"We’re captive on the carousel of time
We can’t return we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game"
Don't go!

"And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha"
~wishing you all a peaceful weekend~


Ginny Hartzler said...

How wonderful!!! The header is one of your best, if not your best. I can feel the cold mist and hear the horses whinny. Those horses by the tree in the cold mist, it ought to be framed or on a magazine cover

Joyful said...

So many beautiful images. You are gifted with the eye ;-)

I'm sorry to hear about the ER trip. I'm concerned about statin b/c they can also cause kidney damage...possibly explaining the swelling I've been experiencing unabated for some time. I have halved the meds and hopefully can get off them soon. I hope I'm not repeating myself...and I hope moreso that your trip to ER will bring you some better than expected news and most of all, Peace.

Hugs. xx

Filipina Ini said...

Are these photos taken fromyour ranch?

Rose said...

Such beautiful photos! The header is absolutely stunning! Hope you got that photo on a huge canvas to display somewhere...

Teté M. Jorge said...

I loved this post! I love horses! Pretty pictures! I will leave here with a relaxed mind...
Thank you for this moment...
Warm hug.

Vores have said...

Super flotte billeder og flot blog du har.
Ønsker dig en god week-end.
/Hanne Bente

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the header is my all time favorite of all your photos. I LOVE IT!!! really i do. i like horses and wild horses even more. all of these photos today are superb. the baby is a doll and the trees you already know I love trees. wow and wow... great, super great post today. love the quote, its perfect and true. i see something in comments about ER did not see anything here about it. so what???

rainfield61 said...

And we go round and round and round.

Only to find ourselves chasing after something, or vice versa.

Regina said...

Thank you Ginny!! was a series.
Hey Penny, ya, doesn't appear to be very good news on my end. Don't worry about repeating yourself. I do think in your case the sooner you can get off the med's you'll feel better. I admire you for your juice fasting and alternative approach! is both former and private ranch land ..a very scenic road that cuts through the middle of the island (thanks)
Rose..happy you enjoyed that and glad for your visit!
Peace and hugs Teca..wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Grettings Hanne Bente- your blog is beautiful!
Sandra thanks!! I'll send you an e-mail update:)
Indeed, Rainfields..sometimes it's like a cat or dog chasing its tail?

eileeninmd said...

Hi Regina, I love this post and series of horse photos. They are gorgeous horses. I hope you are well, take care and have a great weekend.

Joyful said...

I'll keep you in my prayers dear friend. I wish I could be there to offer you some encouragement in person but God is ever present and I believe so much in the power of prayer to help us through. Hugs. xx

Nancy said...

The horses are beautifully wild-looking, although seem quite tame when posing for your camera. Lovely captures. :)

Regina said...

Eileen- thank you..hope your enjoying your weekend-
Penny, I appreciate the uplifting words- they were received ~blessings~
Thanks for visinting Nancy (just the horses in the header are wild)

Smareis said...

Linda essa fotografia, gostei muito.excelente começo de semana cheio de coisas especiais. Beijos grande no coração!

Anya said...

I love wild horses
I love your shots
they are so creative :-)
Thanks for sharing it with us Regina


Vores have said...

Lige et hej herfra - håber at alt er vel.
Ønsker dig en god aften.
Knus Hanne Bente ♥

Regina said...

Aloha Smeries..
Anya..thank you for your visit!!
Greetings Hanne Bente
I will be by to visit shortly-


Wonderful post! Beautiful photos!

doro said...

fantastic photos - as always!
hugs from Doro ;*

Regina said...

Thanks Doro, happy you stopped by! Wishing you a fabulous weekend:)

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

I especially love the horse shots, gorgeous, different, love 'em! :))

I scrolled all the way from the top, the photo of the volcano, I guess, with the yellow flowers in the foreground, really liked that too!

Hope you are well. In case I don't get back before, Happy Thanksgiving!!! We have much to be thankful for. xxoxx

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!