Monday, October 10, 2011

Lavender & Blue

Monday Musings

"The great 19th-century writer and critic John Ruskin said, "Color is the most sacred element in all visual things." Designers agree that color is most vital and expressive of the elements of design.
Perhaps he's right..this painting is by (J.W.Waterhouse) and is just powerful to me..

Of all the forms of non-verbal communication, color is the most instantaneous method of revealing messages and meanings. Color stimulates and works synergistically with all of the senses, symbolizes abstract concepts and thoughts, express fantasy or wish fulfillment, recalls another time or place and produces an aesthetic or emotional response." Would you agree?

Kitten yawning in the tub (nice and cool)
Jacaranda below
Lavender's blue,
Lavender's green
When you are king,
I shall be queen
Who told you so,
Who told you so?
'Twas my own heart,
That told me so
dilly dilly
(old nursery rhyme & song)
We stayed at this charming Inn, in the town of Waimea..
a cozy B&B years ago but only have video footage.
The link gives you an idea of the rooms but the view from the back is a Country setting. I can remember cattle grazing in the distance and clouds swiftly moving above rolling hills.. even a few kitty cats lounging around the neatly manicured premises. 
I have a Jacaranda that really shot up but still waiting for it to bloom-
Anybody have any idea when they begin to blossom? They might be more suited to colder weather like this little town-

Giant Crape Myrtle
Has come and gone
Left its blossoms
In the Fall

I planted about thirteen of them and this gives us the best show-


Flat Creek Farm said...

Beautiful! And I ♥ the kitties, of course. Lovely B&B - I think we need to go there (I wish :)). -Tammy

Joyful said...

I love this post. I see you've got a lavender/purple theme going here. I happen to love lavender and purple is such a royal colour. The painting too is very powerful. I went to the B & B site and if I ever had a chance to stay, I'd love the cottage though I see it is expensive as it usually is anywhere to have your own private place. I finished the dinner though it was late by the time I had all the ingredients assembled. You can see on my blog ;-) Have a wonderful night.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Great pictures, I really love the painting of the Jacaranda tree. And your header is really just stunning! Yes, you are right about color, it affects our emotions. Red and orange jazzes us up and stimulates our appetite, and blues and greens are calming.

Anya said...

LOve love love your kitties :-)
So adorable and beautiful!!

Lavender and bleu are very unique colors for flowers you captured it very well :-)

hugs for all from us :))))

eileeninmd said...

Hi Regina, your cute kitty looks cute keeping cool in the tub. I love the colors of the jacaranda tree. I love colors! And you have another lovely shot for your header. Beautiful post and photos. I hope you have a great week!

Rose said...

Well, the kittens are adorable! Love the ginger one. Such beautiful colors you captured there! Missed being on your blog!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the movement in the painting of the woman, very beautiful. we have a lot of purple Jacaranda trees here, they are every where, but our flowers are a little different than yours, must be different types of them. love those kittie shots and what a beautiful B & B. I have never stayed in one, but always wanted to.

Smareis said...

Oi amigo, as cores é mais importante e expressiva dos elementos de uma pintura, são ela que dá vida a imagem
A pintura é uma arte que encanta a minha alma.
Suas imagens são linda, gosto desse roxo encantador. Parabéns pelo post e pelas fotos, estão lindíssimas. Obrigada pela presença. Ótima semana. Bjs aqui do Brasil!


Anzu said...

It's a fantasy that pretty cats have a soothing sense of peace among purple flowers. It looks like the beauty on the picture.
Wish Your Smiles (*゚v゚*)♪

The Write Girl said...

What beauty...that cat's yawn cracked me up in the first photo. Lavender is such a beautiful color. It is amazing what colors can do to lift us and tantalize our senses. Amazing photos Regina!! Hope you are well dear.

WebbieLady said...

the art piece is so lovely and the cat makes me really grin... the cat again???? i thought to myself...:=)

Smareis said...

Muita beleza nessas pinturas.Um exelente resto de semana cheio de coisas boas. Bjs grande!

Regina said...

Thanks Tammy- cheers
Penny, it was probably cheaper than now but was a good experience. Your dinner looked fabulous..(I'm only responding now) I will be by- does doesn't it. Thanks-
Hi Anya..(my kitty in the tub was spayed last week too) happy you stopped by!
Eileen, glad you enjoyed them. Tomorrow it will be closer to the weekend for you (hugs)
Rose..hey, missed you!
They do seem to vary Sandra..I do hope mine will bloom soon-
Greeting Smareis..please let me know if my language translater is working..thank you ~my best~
Ann, yes, they're such wonderful subjects! Wishing you a peaceful day-
Katina glad you enjoyed the colors-WebbieLady, puddy's are the physical color. Glad you swung by-


Hello! Beautiful photos!


Interesting post...Well done...


Have a wonderful week end!

Smareis said...

Eu uso o navegador Google Chrome, ele ja vem com o tradutor. No meu blog tem 3 tradutores. Você esta conseguindo traduzir o meus texto. se não conseguir usar o meu tradutor do blog, me avise que coloco outro.
ótima tarde!
Beijos no teu coração.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!