Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Feeling Blue

Last night I deleted my entire blog..kind of feeling..
what's that song?
"Hey, look over yonder out in the rain,
Soakin' wet fever in my brain.
Now, I ain't certain which way to go,
But I got to move, sure
Feeling Blue, blue blue blue.."
It didn't help this morning- staring out the window with my kitten while the rain came down. Soon there was a flash of lightening- followed by she bolted and I tried to comfort my dog as she shook. Then I heard a ping on my phone..a fellow blogger..couple now, shot me an e-mail (wondering what happened)..and suggesting I take a break instead of wiping my blog clean (lol).
 I figured that was reasonable..
So, this will be a little intermission-
Sorrow is better than laughter;
for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made glad
Ecc 7:3


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, Gina, I was going to type this bible verse for you, but you beat me to it!!! You may be blue, but your header and picture are as stunning as ever. Your blog is too precious to go away forever, all the work, thought, and beauty, almost like a wonderful book being wiped off the face of the earth. We all feel very blue once in awhile, Phil's never went away, so he finally took drugs, and now he has such joy for life!! Perhaps with the return of good weather you will start feeling better.

The Write Girl said...

Hi Regina,

Yes, don't delete your blog. I certainly felt like that many a times but I kept at it. Come back when you are ready. At least we can read your beautiful poems and view your amazing photos from Hawaii. This is an oasis :)

Anonymous said...

Don't delete your blog...I await e'morning to see what's new in the other side of the globe!! Take a's something we all need! I understand the monotony creeping in..we all go through that...writer's block or a bored's fine!! The nature we get to see in Hawaii is through your eyes...continue showering those images after a while! TC..Hoping to see you after the intermission soon!


Hello! I also agree with these comments...I also think so...

rainfield61 said...

How can you feel like deleting the blog that always inspires me?

I am thinking that our blog will stay forever, even when we are no more around.

And someone may visit and comment.

So gooooooooddddd.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto what everyone before me said. we will all of us be waiting for you whenever and however long a break you need. the thing with the blog is someday it will be there when you need memories or your family or friends like us. our blogs are like diaries of our lives, for us to look at years from now or for after we are gone. dear diary blogging, that is US and you. hugs from Florida

Dave King said...

I've got close a few times, but hang on in there!


Beautiful photo!


Thank You very much for warm comment!


Have a wonderful week-end!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Sometimes the blues can almost over come us...but we are the over-comers thanks to Jesus.

Big hug, Regina.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

The photos of your Plumbago are beautiful btw. :))

Anonymous said...

P.S I am contesting for Indiblogger-Yahoo-Dove 'what real beauty means to you' blogging contest. Can you read my post at and if you like it, 'LIKE' it on Facebook or 'Tweet' it or even sign up with Indiblogger to promote my post? The instructions to sign up with Indiblogger are given at the end of my post itself. Hoping to see you there! If you are on Indiblogger, you already know what to do!!

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

First thing I saw your header I said "WOW"! You wow away the blues..

Tulika Verma said...

Regina, so glad you're still here. Your blog is a beautiful place. Next time you're feeling blue, just stay miles away from it :) Touching post...will hope and wait for more..


Regina said...

Much appreciation to everyone of your for just for taking the time to drop in with an encouraging word!!
It means a lot-

LV said...

We all have our days. Some more and worse. If you can take a deep breath, relax a little, time will take care of things. Take care.

Joyful said...

Hi my friend, I've been off line for a few weeks due to travel and illness so I'm sorry to hear you have not been feeling so great. I do know that rain can exacerbate our feelings of being blue so hope you have more sunshine now. I can concur with your many friends here that it isn't necessary to delete your blog. Just take time and come back when you are up to it. Love and hugs xx


Very beautiful new header!

eileeninmd said...

Ginny, I hope you enjoy yourself and take a nice break. I enjoy your blog and I hope you do not delete it. I have been trying to leave you comments and I was having trouble. Have a great weekend.

Self Sagacity said...

It must be contagious! I don't feel like I want to quit, I am just lost for words. Hope you will sort out whatever it is and be 100% again. :-)
Best wishes.

sojourner said...

oops! guess i've been away for too long - this blue will pass!

Anya said...

Hi Regina

Oh oh
I was also feeling bleu :(
I had a long blogstop
and ended with a week to Turkey
with my daughters
(for relax WE NEEDED THAT !!)

Take all the time you need
your real friends
are always here for you :))))
Take care ....

HUgs from your Dutch friends
Kareltje,Betsie & Anya

Regina said...

Just dropping by to say hello.
How are you my fiend?

Enjoy the weekend.

Anzu said...

Hi! Regina, how are you ?
Please keep your own easy and fun pace! And don't forget your family invigorate our spirit anytime.
o( 〃゜▽゚〃)ゝ yoo-hoo♪

Teté M. Jorge said...

Be calm... don't worry about anything... everything goes... acclimates everything... relax and come back anytime.
I come whenever the mood and the time.
A very warm hug.
Good week, dear.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!