Friday, May 13, 2011

Time & Eternity

The things which are impossible with men
Are possible with God
Lk. 18:27

 Sometimes we wait for some day when things will be better.
It isn't a matter of time at all, it is a matter of Him.
He is time and eternity all in a moment~

As long as it takes to break a loaf
you have gone from seed time to harvest-
Do you not say, there are yet four months and then comes the harvest?
Jn 4:35
I am here, and there can be harvest at any moment when I am here"
Eternity dwells in any moment when he is present~

Distance does not matter
time does not matter..
He takes everything into his hands and says
My hour.."
T. A. Sparks
(Knowing God In Christ)


Leenie said...

Breathtaking macros! So lush and vibrant.

The scriptures and quotes are great reminders of what is truly important. Every moment is precious. We need to learn to savor and share. Thanks

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your quotes and photos are all stunning!!! They say that God is present in all times at once, past, present, and future. I can't understand that, and why the past? But how strong is religion with no mystery? If we know everything that God does, then how could he be God?

Joyful said...

Beautiful :-)

Anonymous said...

The second shot is simply breath taking!
The lines in sync add beauty to it more..
Gr8 one!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photos are stunning, the one of the droplet on the thing hanging down in front of the orange flower is breathtaking and stunning and woderful and GRRRRREATTTTT. love it. nothing like a water droplet to make me feel happy. like the itty bitty purple flowers, they are the size of a water droplet and so pretty.

Teté M. Jorge said...

My God! What wonderful pictures!
You're very sensitive to photograph! Special!
Thank you for sharing words of wisdom and marvellous shots.
Have a great Sunday with joy and peace.
Warm hugs and love.

The Write Girl said...

What inspirational scriptures and photos...this is so uplifting. It's a joy to read!! Take Care.

rainfield61 said...

Google had stopped the blogosphere from spinning for a moment.

And we meet again, though in a far distance.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thanks is-
Ginny, I put that perfectly-
Fudicia- hey, thanks for your encouragement!
Appreciate your Your visit Penny
Sandra- glad you enjoyed these-
Teca- thanks for your kind words!! Wishing you a wonderful day as well-
Rainfields- yes..we meet again


What a beautiful photos!


Very beautiful rain drops!


Thanks for comments!

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful photos, love the freshness feel and look of them!

Rose said...

Oh, how I love the raindrops and the fresh atmosphere! Wonderful and vivid colours, Love them.

DoanLegacy said...

Gorgeous photos with water drops! I wish you a wonderful new week.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Amin- thanks -must of been a treat to see that!
Rose- happy for your thoughts and visit!
DLegacy..thanks..wishing you a wonderful week as well-

mARTy said...

your new header is great- and I especially love the second photo! have a great day;)

Joop Zand said...

It's a wondeful serie,
they are all so nice and colorful.

Greetings, Joop


Thank You very much for so beautiful photos!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Aloha Marty, Joop & Amin- thank you for your visit and thoughts!!

Amazing Gracie said...

I read a wonderful book by Edith Schaeffer in which she describes what the world looks like now - after the fall in the Garden of Eden. What we view as beautiful now will be magnified when we stop and think that this is a world full of beauty, but also weeds. Before the fall the world was perfect. I can't imagine looking at the beauty in your photos and realize that it's not perfect but once was.
~~~I got caught in a riptide in Newport Beach at the jetty. Never been so scared in my life! A lifeguard swam out to me but I was too proud to grab on (stupid 16 year old!) and managed to make it ashore on my own.

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Love the crystal clear droplets on the leaves and flowers so fresh..tQ

Kilauea Poetry said...

A.Gracie.. that book sounds interesting. Ya, no fun getting caught in a rip! Wishing you a wonderful weekend-
Greetings Bananaz..thanks- looking forward to the 2nd part of your story too:)

eileeninmd said...

Lovely post and your images are beautiful.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!