Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let Us Not Forget

.. this is our first and most important obligation: defend the right to speak the truth.
"Neutrality in the face of evil is evil."
(Geert Wilder's warning in Nashville TN.)-

With the more than 48 million George Soros has contributed to Media and journalism..(to spread his Open Borders Society) it would probably be a chilly day in hell before you'd see the following video on any major news site-

(Warburg, Syrian Orthodox monastery)
Sister Hatune's struggle for human rights followed by a few more excerpts from Geert Wilder's visit, May 12th of this month- again- warning the West.

"We have been silenced by cultural relativism, collective racial guilt, and political correctness for too long. The doctrine of political correctness, is nothing but the Left’s tool to silence truth. It has been a very effective tool, now it has turned deadly"
We can see what Islam has in store for us if we watch the fate of the Christians in the Islamic world, such as the Copts in Egypt, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Assyrians in Iraq, and Christians elsewhere.

Almost every day, churches are arsoned and Christians are assassinated in Islamic countries.
Rivers of tears are flowing from the Middle East, where there is only one safe haven for Christians. You know where that is? The only place in the Middle East where Christians are safe is Israel.
That is why Israel deserves our support. Israel is a safe haven for everyone, whatever their belief and opinions. Israel is a beacon of light in a region of total darkness. Israel is fighting our fight.
The jihad against Israel is a jihad against all of us. If Israel falls, we, too, will feel the consequences. If Jerusalem falls, Athens, Rome, Amsterdam and Nashville will fall. Therefore, we all are Israel."



Good day! I will come back...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is beyond horror, the video is heart breaking. and the sad part of it all is this is going on all over the world and not just there. Mexico and America have thousands per day of women being kidnapped and sold into slavery. slavery is rampant even here in America. we are much better off here because we have ACCESS to police, but it still goes on. Hate and Horror is rampant in the world. very distressing video.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Sandra, ya.. and I would say with the exception being- they're singled out here because of belief (sunna is rape) part of jihad. Islam is the only political system in the world that includes rules for rape and war-
On the bright side, the Australian Attorney General just rejected Sharia law! So I think at least when more people are aware, we can take a stand. Thanks!!

rainfield61 said...

Wish you a good day.

The Write Girl said...

Fascinating thoughts Regina...I will certainly say a prayer for Christians around the world. I hope you are doing well dear. Take Care.

Joyful said...

It is true that the rights and privileges people seek for their cultures in the west are not available to use in their countries. I applaud people like the sister in your post. I have to wait for another day to see your video though. Blessings for bringing this to our have some powerful quotations to go along with your points. Well done.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hey, thank you Katina..(hugs) Happy for your visit Rainfields!'s true- and I apprecitate your thoughts today:)

Anonymous said...

I just couldn't think of the words I can use to comment on this one...Can't believe such things even happen...You have brought this to our eyes, knowledge taken..but we need to fight to change what's in existence!


Do You know what is happening in the post Soviet region? Find informations in the internet about speech Ukraine official persons about illegal operations...

Kilauea Poetry said...

Fiducia, you are right..I'm greatful you did stop by to express your thoughts and imput (many thanks and hugs)
Thank you Amin. (I realize there may be difficulty in translation). I'm sure your right..all over the earth we will find much corruption..but in regard to Islam, that is the real threat we are now facing. I am limited as far as space, but for many reasons, it is under-reported. I do believe God is love and sent His son Jesus (He is the word who became flesh).and America simply happens to be the result of freedom which came from those Judeo Christian principles. (In other words, we haven't experienced life under dictatorship or theocracy)
If we are losing our freedom, then it can only mean we will suffer by being brought back to the value of what has been lost. America is asleep and must be awakend so we can stand for truth- which gave us freedom (Sharia law- no freedom). Furthermore, I don't believe there is such a thing as moderate Islam anymore. When these violent acts and rapes take place they are reciting from the Koran...if one is moderate, then that would only mean not practicing.

DoanLegacy said...

It's a sad thing that violent are some time the answers for those who are in power. My prayer for those who suffered this horrendous torture!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!