Friday, March 4, 2011

Poetry Reading

With a little imagination..

On a skiff I meet an honoured guest,
Slowly, slowly, it comes gliding across the lake

Facing at the railing, we drink a cup of wine,
On all sides, lotus flowers are in bloom
A bell  Myna rang shrieked somewhere deep among the hill valley.
A spring river sounded choked, running down steep rocks,
The green pines monstera chilled blinked at the
sunlight's coloured rays  droplets
Come dusk, at the bend of a deserted pool,

Through meditation I controlled passion's dragon
Wang Wei~


Ginny Hartzler said...

Love that last picture. So you didn't write this, Weng Wei did? It reminds me of your writing.

Joyful said...

Very interesting last photo. Took me awhile to figure out it was a fish ;-) I think the poem is yours but the last caption (re: fish and rippled water) is Weng Wei's...right?

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thanks to you both..actually, the only thing I wrote is what I replaced with just the crossed out words so it would sort of fit?

Regina said...

Great words my friend. And Those duckies are so cute. The last one is really fantastic!
Enjoy your weekend.

Ps. Beautiful Blog template. I like the classic look especially the design on the side.

Joop Zand said...

Erg goede serie....woorden en opnames passen zeer goed bij elkaar.

Groeten en een fijn weekend gewenst, Joop

Netster23 said...

Awesome :D

Hello Regina long time no see and I like your new layout. Looks pretty neat and easy for me to log in :D

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that last photo is super great. love the ripples and that light in the middle.

rainfield61 said...

You transformed an ancient oriental poem into the one that reflected what was happening in your place.

There is no conflict between east and west.

Leenie said...

Fun way to re-work the writing to make it "fit." Poetry is a universal language (with a little editing--hehe). You've adapted the beautiful words to your wet day at the pool on the islands. The photos looks so rainy and the ducks look so happy.

The header photo of the white surf next to the dog's soft fur and the neutral dark colors of the rocks is just perfect.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hi, Kilauea! Thanks for stopping by the Hollow and commenting! I love your photos! I love Moo Moo & the pics of the kitten ...everything here is just so peaceful!...:)JP


Hello! Congratulations!
Wonderful photos!


The last is more beautiful!

Anya said...

Love that poem
its so lovely written :-)
So cute shots Regina
it makes me smile :))))))

Have a nice week-end
Kareltje =^.^= ♥ Betsie >^.^<
Anya :)

Teté M. Jorge said...

You really are lovely person!
Thanks for sharing such beauty!
Have a good Sunday and...
A warm hug.

Joyful said...

That is a great idea that you had to make the poetry "fit". I'm gonna have to try it sometime ;-)

eileeninmd said...

Awesome header photo, I lvoe ti! Your poetry is beautiful and I enjoyed the duck photos. Have a great Sunday!

The Write Girl said...

Lovely reflections Regina. I like how you included crossed out thoughts in your writing. It gives me the feel of a private journal. Nicely done!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Wonderful to see ducks in the wild ...


Hello! Beautiful; post!


Have a good days with Yours!!!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!