Friday, February 25, 2011

Sitting On The Steps


I sat out on the porch and looked up into the sky..
The clouds looked like small cotton balls
that just grew bigger and looked so incredible.
It became humid like it is now.. when a storm began to brew.
Come evening, lightening appeared with thunder and rain~

"We went through fire and through water:
but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place"
(Ps. 66:12).
Paradoxical though it be, only that man is at rest who attains it through conflict. This peace, born of conflict, is not like the deadly hush preceding the tempest, but the serene and pure-aired quiet that follows it.
Taken from C. Cowman devotionals- (Stream's in the Desert)

"Joy and sorrow are inseparable. . together they come and when one sits alone with you.. remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.”
Kahlil Gibran


Flat Creek Farm said...

Breathtaking! I have never seen clouds quite like that.. amazing. We have several inches of snow again and 20-something degrees F tonight. If we don't like that, we can wait until Sunday when the temps will be in the 60's and chance of severe thunderstorms. Wheeeee... feeling like I'm on the weather rollercoaster. I want to move to your state!! :) -Tammy

rainfield61 said...

You have managed to discover something wonderful. The cotton balls are most helpful to seal the wounds on the body of our earth.

But my comment should not be so seriously written.

The cotton buds look like the sky is dispersing the seeds of love.

Regina said...

Wonderful captures. Great skies!

Happy weekend my friend.

Kay said...

Hi there! Thanks so much for your visit and comment. You have such a beautiful blog! These skies are fabulous!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Were these taken at two different times? The black and white ones are amazing, they don't really even look like clouds at all, maybe bubbles or something.

Joyful said...

Wow! Did you take those photos today? they are really neat.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely poem and gorgeous shots of the sky and cotton ball clouds. I love watching the clouds, it is one of my favorite things to do.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous and this is called a mackerel sky, and it means the weather is going to change. isn't it wonderful to be able to entertain ourselves on the front porch and also capture Gods awesome sights he paints for us.


Hello!Thank You very much for so beautiful post!
Well done!


Beautiful photos!

The Write Girl said...

Stunning sky and quite breathtaking to gaze up at those clouds. Beautiful post Regina.

Teté M. Jorge said...

My God, what a beautiful thing!
I've never seen anything like it!
What a wonderful sky!
Good week, Regina.
A big hug, lots of kisses and peace of mind!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!