Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kaloli Point

Spungy pine needles
Sink beneath my feet
Round beach leaves
 Wooden cones
Peer up beside fallen stars

Trees don't leave their post
They just gather with the leaves
Who scatter here
Along this coast
They lie above the pounding surf
Where turtles rise
To catch their breath
From mossy shells
Ocean swells~

This was an unexpected I took this series with my cell because I forgot my camera..I guess it worked?


Joyful said...

Wow! You took those photos with your cell phone? Those are fantastic. I love the poem too. It made me think of sponginess beneath my feet when walking on pine needles in the forest.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my! These are wonderful!! I was going to say I liked your poem better than the pictures, but they just keep getting better and better each one I see!!! The last several are outstanding, the way you've done the light!!! The three before the turtle, WOW!!!! Your poem is great too. This is one of your prettiest and best posts!! I'm glad I'm going to bed now with this in my head, sweet dreams for sure!!!

Joop Zand said...

These pictures are great Kilauea, i like them very much.

greetings from Holland, Joop

many thanks for your comments.

Rose said...

Wow, my friend, you live in paradise! Always enjoy your photos and your stories!
Many hugs!

rainfield61 said...

I heard about the island, but I am in love with her the more I read your posts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are extraordinary taken with a cell phone, we would not have known, if you did not tell us. the header i sat and stared and listened to the birds and i felt as though i were transported on the trip with you.

eileeninmd said...

You poem is just beautiful! And you took some wonderful photos from your cell phone. I really like the fallen stars. Oh and the turtle is really cool. Thanks for stopping by!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Beautiful mother nature!

Leenie said...

I especially like...
Where turtles rise
To catch their breath
From mossy shells
Ocean swells~

It has the rhythm of the surf and the feeling of those ancient turtles lifting their heads to exhale. Magical photo of the big guy in water,

The tree photos also have a mystical prehistoric appearance. I like them very much, especially the sepia treatment.


Very beautiful post!


I liked these photos very much!


Wonderful new header!

BPOTW said...

Those unexpected trips are always the best!

F. said...

amazing pictures - seeing pictures like this sometimes make me want to pack up my bags and move

Kay said...

Wow! You are such a talented photographer. These are all fabulous photos.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!