Thursday, December 8, 2011



If I was nimble
Like this roach
I wouldn't bother
To ride in coach

I'd keep my figure
As I flit
Visit friends
Both near and far

I'd grow my leg hairs
 Nice an long
Swing my feelers
To a song
Comb through cupboards
look for crumbs
Place my lips on on all their jars
Outwear my welcome
Be a star
If I was nimble like this roach.....


Ginny Hartzler said...

This poem reminds me a bit of Dr. Seuss, it's cute!!! But the roach is not! As if they aren't bad enough, there are leaping ones? Do you have them there?

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
I do not really understand the poem - but nevermind.
Really liked the little video - good music.
I can not figure out how to put video into.
Wishing you a good weekend.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

eileeninmd said...

Hi Regina, I have been thinking of you after seeing the lava flowing on the Big Island on the news just his morning. I think your poem is cute, but roaches creep me out. Take care and have a great weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

too funny on the poem, did you write that? if so you are really talented. and i do NOT want to be near one of those leaping roaches. we have big flying ones here and the only good roach is a dead roach is my motto.

Anzu said...

(。・ω・)ノ゙ Hi Regina
At first I supposed it's a locust. Oh, no! it's a roach. I noticed that his physical capacity is amazing from the video. It fears me, but the BGM feels good ♪ Your fancy poem makes a roach a hero of a fairy tale d('∇'*)! Have a nice weekend with your family.

rainfield61 said...

If I was nimble like this roach,

what if...

but I turn up all the times never,

because I am still I am.

BlueShell said...

A very nice poem.
You'll visit all your friends"Botn near and far"- very well written.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Awww you made me smile, Regina. I do hope you're feeling better and you're health is getting back to where it ought to be.

God bless :))

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Nice slow motion video of the leap. If all wanna leap and no need for a coach they will be soon out of business..haha. Nice nimble poem.

Joyful said...

Cute poem :-)

I don't have time to catch the videos right now. Maybe later.

I just wanted to stop by and wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
Just come to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

The Write Girl said...

Lovely little poem here! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Regina!


Well done, beautiful post...


I had problem with my account...

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

Regina said...

Hi my friend!
Wishing you a blessed Christmas and Wonderful New Year!★

Anzu said...

My dear friend, Regina_φ(゚▽゚*)♪
We wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas.
Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement this year!

Joyful said...

Hi my friend, just stopping by to see how you are doing. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
Just come to wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

Amazing Gracie said...

Love the poem! It's great to take something most people would rather not face and put a face to it! Cute...
I've been out of the blogs for way toooo long. Hope to make a difference this coming year.
Blessings to you and yours...

Anya said...

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Hugs for you Regina :)

Vores have said...

Hej Regina.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to you has been one of my blog friends, and thanks for all your sweet comment in 2011.
I wish you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous New Year.
Thanks for 2011 - we blogged in 2012.
Happy New Year!
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

eileeninmd said...

Hi Regina, I just wanted to drop in and wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy New Year. I wish you all the best in 2012!


Hello! How are You?!


I wish all the best to You and to Your family in 2012!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Happy 2012!
Love, health and joy!
Cheers to you and your family.
A warm hug.

Anzu said...

Hi Regina, ★(*^-゚)⌒☆Wink!
Happy New Year 2012.
I believe Smile, Easygoing make us healthy!
Let's go together cheerfully throughout this year. Hugs!

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Happy New Year 2012

rainfield61 said...

Glad to hear from you.

Happy New Year.

BlueShell said...

Beautiful poetry!

It's nice to come here.
Thank you!

BlueShell said...

Hi…I couldn’t forget you!!! Come on….
I like your blog and the person behind it- You!
It is 7:30 a.m. and I’m just wondering where are you from…because you say you are far from home. And you are far because you are working …or studying?
Many years ago…LOLOL…when I was younger I had to go away to the University…I felt sad because I was far from my parents and my brothers!
But…that’s life!

Heva a hug, from a portuguese girl.../ well...woman
( I'm no girl any more...LOL)

The Write Girl said...

You make the roach so endearing. It appears that I've already commented on this but I liked the second read. Happy New Year to you!!

rainfield61 said...

Hi, wish you all the best no matter what have happened.


Hello! How are You?!


Beautiful poem!

eileeninmd said...

Just thinking about you!

rainfield61 said...

But moment is in seconds. Beauty should be of a smaller size, it slips away within moments.

Some friends slipped away too. We are very much bigger in size, but how do they manage to hide somewhere in between each moment?

The Write Girl said...

How are you Regina? Hope you are doing well and hope to read more from your blog. Take Care!!

Anzu said...

I hope you are all well.
o( 〃゜▽゚〃)ゝ

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!