Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This Dance In Time

Looking over my shoulder
Another decade spins past
Locked in a dance
And I cannot tell
Just where it went
But like a wind swept ship
In perilous seas..
I've been tossing baggage
Have you lightened your load little more as the years go by? Maybe like the energy you once spent on certain things, only your more aware now and frugal with your time?
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Ps. 107: 29, 30
He maketh the storm a calm, So that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they are quiet; So he bringeth them unto their desired haven~


Anzu said...

Hi Regina,
We might have reached so far destination, so it's better to look into the luggage on our shoulder. And then, I want to throw out the matters which is no more need for me into such the sea under the gray sky. (((ノToT)ノ :・'.::・ >+○

I like the new header with your lovely dog. vUo・ェ・oU

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I absolutely love the furry ear in the header shot, i stopped and stared and knew what was going on. he looks so sweet staring out the window with fur blowing in the wind. and YES a big YES that i have dumped a lot of baggage, personal and things in the house, and also baggage from dumb stuff i did in the past. i have simplified my life so much and now am to the point where i don't fret about how i look or where i am going, also learned to say no when i wanted to and not do things i do not want to do. like a wedding invitation to a 2nd cousins wedding that i have not seen in many years, i just signed the little regret card and mailed it.

Joyful said...

Yes I certainly have lighted my load, esp. since my mother's needs have increased time needed to give to her. But I see I've lightened my load in general and spend less time on frivolity. The scripture you posted has certainly been on my mind too since the earthquake especially. I hope you're gearing up for an enjoyable weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Should I be saying Happy Birthday, Gina?? I love, love, LOVE your thought about tossing baggage overboard with age, really you are an amazing poet!!!! I really enjoyed it. Now I am thinking, have I picked up more things than I've put down??? Maybe not....what have you put down?

Netster23 said...

Howdy Regina!

Long time no see :)


The Write Girl said...

What an effortless poem here...so beautiful. I pray that things become lighter and more peaceful over time. Perfect words Regina.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Beautiful, as always. My favorite is your dog - cruising and loving the breeze :) Yes, I am more frugal with my time and what I use it for now. Had to stop and think, but yes.. I am! And I don't think that's a bad thing at all ;) Hope you are doing well, Regina!

Regina said...

Ann, I agree- we have to look into it..thank you my friend-
I second that on the fretting and the no- yes, I too don't worry so much about the appearance thing (just a tiny bit) lol)
Penny, thanks..I think you made a good point about putting that energy out for others in regard to lightening the load-
wishing you a great one as well-
Oh Ginny, thank you..gee, probably have picked some things up. I fret about the world..seems we know so much about what's going on all over now.. but the stress causes me to trust Him. What have I tossed? Some vanity and realizing that people matter and not so much our performance?
Hey Nester..cheers to you, glad you stopped by-
Katina, I know your young but you do start to realize where all that energy is going huh-
Hey Tammy, happy you stopped by..hope all is well with you~

rainfield61 said...

We are born naked.

All those that we are having are belonged to us temporarily.

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Nice poem great to off loaded all excess and non-productive baggages. Pray for world peace.

Regina said...

Thanks Bananaz, right on-

Regina said...

Rainfields..I saw your comment in my email but for some reason it didn't appear here yesterday..so I rubbed my eyes and low and behold I see it! thank you, we will be leaving naked too (lol)


Hello! How are You?!


I liked this post...


I will back very soon...

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Not sure I'm exactly frugal with my time...but I am choosy how and on what I spend it. I know what you say about lightening the load is important, have thought about it and work on it. Have an great weekend. :))

Teté M. Jorge said...

A very sensitive post and thought...

Warm hug, Regina, and lots of love and joy.

Regina said...

Greetings Amin- hope you had a great trip!
Eaton, hey I enjoyed your visit..yes- thanks for your thoughts!
Teca- thank you! (big hug)..happy you stopped by!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Was thinking of you! Read this poem again...still speaking to me. Hope you're well. regards, Eaton.

Regina said...

Greetings Vira..thank you for the good luck wishes!!
Eaton, thank you..I'm a tad behind but nothing out of the ordinary lately (lol)- I appreciate your kind words and will certainly be by soon- have a peaceful weekend:)

eileeninmd said...

Hello Regina, Lovely poem and I love the photo of your cute dog. I am very picky on how I spend my time. Working full time sucks. So my time off is very precious.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Regina said...

Thanks Eileen..I think about you and am amazed at all the beautiful places you manage to visit..a nice reward- enjoy your Sunday-

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!