Monday, September 5, 2011

Sugar Cane, Prawns & Streams

I can still remember those cane trucks (after the trains-lol) with the mud flaps and the heavy roar.
When they passed, they shook the floor.
Crossing bridges and plantation houses stacked with a distinct aroma of grass-
like burnt molasses 

 under a contrast of blue sky and red dirt that clung
along with cane spiders..(very common in houses)

 Then suddenly disappeared like the industry..buried down some narrow path.
Then we came along with machetes and cut through that grass. This area was pretty secluded, with Bamboo leaning over streams, where palms towered, dense with strawberry guava
heady ginger framed pools like Queen's bath (below)-
which was taken over with lava.

We stepped on rocks and dove and I complained of bruises
while fallen debris graced my face.
The boys just chased the prawns who safely swam along
In near-by waterfalls~
(These photos were taken with a disposable camera at the time then scanned)
Can you make out one at the top and the other less visible at the bottom?
(swamp river queen) I was going to do this in mono but it ended up looking like I was half naked (ha ha)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the half naked shot. sugar cane, i do so love it and have not had any in about 30 years now. i had a hard time leaving the header to go to the post, stunning shot there.

Anzu said...

(^-^*)/Hi ♪
I'm interested in various nature around you. Those are unusual to me. I'm pleased to see your happy summer memories.

Joyful said...

I love all the grassy scenes and the video was so beautiful with relaxing music. I didn't quite get your meaning about the disposable camera. Did you take these pics recently? They turned out rather well and it s lovely to see you ;-)

Nancy said...

Lovely photos -- especially your header photo. Amazing! :)

rainfield61 said...

There are always sweet memories, especially when we happened to get older and older.

I took my mom to where she had spent her childhood.

She is 82, but acted like a little girl.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The video is beautiful!The spiders would send me screaming and running to hide!! Do they bite? Did any ever get on you? I thought sugar cane is a huge business, so it is not anymore? And you used to be involved with harvesting the cane? Was this a job or for the family or what?

Regina said...

Thanks..strange, sugar is soo expensive now!
Ann, they were good memories with not as many photos I suppose. ~Happy you stopped by~
Hey Penny..ya, it was one of those types you get in the store then dispose of. They had underwater ones as well but figured it was safer to bring in this terrain. This was almost 20yrs ago Things have changed so much besides digital.. it's easy to purchase an inexpensive underwater camera.. (appreciate your thoughts)
Nancy -thanks..and for visiting! Rainfields..I can just imagine. Most of this territory is blocked off now. How precious..glad you shared that-
Ginny, the spiders were harmless (grin) Oh, we didn't harvest any.. these were just some of the adventures- cutting trails with the men from mars (lol)


Hello! I agree with these comments!


Very interesting and beautiful place...


Thank You very much for Your beautiful comments.....


That yellow flower in my little garden does not smell...

Filipina Ini said...

Such beauty of nature captured...

I miss eating sugarcane...:=)

Filipina Ini said...

Is that spider not dangerous?

Webbielady said...

i never smelled burnt molasses though i ate and grew with sugar canes...

Regina said...

Thank you Amin!Happy you stopped by!
Filipina inc..thanks.. the spider is very harmless and rarely see them anymore..
Webbielady, you must have wonderful memories! wishing you a great afternoon-

eileeninmd said...

Lovely photos and post, Regina. I enjoyed the video, it is a dramatic scene but still lovely. The first shot of the sugar cane is beautiful and the photo of you at the falls is great. Have a wonderful weekend!

The Write Girl said...

I enjoy the images and stories. I hope things are well with you Regina. Take Care :)

Regina said...

Hey thanks Eileen, glad you checked that video out-
Hi Katina..wishing you both a safe and blessed weekend~

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!