Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tell Me If She Laughs Or Cries..

Mountain trails (last weekend)
A mix of scenery, a little poetry with a few short videos and a birthday wish-
If this be all

'While all the good I would impart,
The feelings I would share
Are driven backward to my heart
And Turned to wormwood there;
If clouds must ever keep from sight
The glories of the Sun
And I must suffer Winter's blight
Ere Summer has begun
If life must be so full of care
Then call me soon to Thee;
Or give me strength enough to bear
My load of misery"
Ann Bronte
So I made a wish~

Blow Away Dandelion..

Figure of Queen Liliuokalani found along the trail..
statue wasn't wearing high heels..
 Should we climb this tree daddy?

She slipped off but didn't roll (ha ha)
(Lehua Blossoms)
Happy Birthday party at the end of the day..
oldest Byron, just turned 31yrs
Youngest son Jesse to my left- turned 29yrs end of last month
(my niece Sunny behind me- her son in back and Byron's girlfriend to my right with Byron- all waiting on the cell)


Joyful said...

Gorgeous photos! That statue looks so real it's scary, lol. Happy birthday to the birthday boy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry you feel like Ann Bronte, and yet you continue to create beauty. Loving your header, that lady is dressed to KILL!! And great outdoors and family pictures!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, only a few minutes and you have changed your header again! Well, when I first commented, the last two videos said they were unavailable, I had forgotten to tell you that. But now they are all working fine, I don't know how you fixed it!! I love the blue sky and clouds, but most of all the lovely video of YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Belated wishes...hope you rocked fun!!
Amazing imagery and pics...the poetry fell well in place to the symphony of sounds in nature...
Nice ones!

Joyful said...

I enjoyed your short movie clips Regina. You look wonderful and it is so fun to see you blowing dandelion "fuzz". I haven't done that since childhood, lol!

doro said...

Hi Regina, You have a new blog-background, I like it!
Soory, I,m late - happy birthday for Your Son!
I love to see Your trips, Your world, dogs, cats, nature!
Hugs ;*

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG a tree climbing dog!!! I never! love it, love all the videos, you did great with your cell phone. who needs a camera, not YOU! great birthday celebration and family photo. you did good again. like that flower in the header.


Hello! Happy Birthday to Your son!


I liked the videos.


I liked the photo where the dog is on the tree!

rainfield61 said...

It is heavy to read the poetry, and is lighter to see the dog slipping off.

And is happy to say Happy Birthday to the birthday "boy".

And is excited to wait for your next post.

eileeninmd said...

I always love your header photos, just gorgeous. Lovely photos and poem, Regina! Happy Belated birthday to your son. I hope he had a great birthday!

Anzu said...

( ^-^)/:★*☆Happy Birthday to your son.♪ It's exciting time for everyone to light the candles on one's birthday cake. Pahhh...who are you? I'm a bit surprised at the statue of the Queen Liliuokalani. I wonder why she is usually standing alone in the woods.

Joyful said...

I see a new header. Is that a swamp or a pond? I love swamps :-))

Regina said...

Thanks to all of you for your visit and birthday wishes!
Penny, I'd call the header a big old pond.. but if I stepped in it, I bet it would feel like a swamp? (ha ha) I think that area has cattle actually, thanks-

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!