Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Those Resolutions

Was thinking of all those New Year's Resolutions..

It's a little bit like shedding old skin?

Can I have a cookie please? We call her biscuits cookies..
Well, she says?
(Eye contact)
(she likes to direct my attention to them on the shelf)

I said..  but what's that I see under your chin girl?
It became apparent, upon closer examination that those white dribbles were Haaggen Dazs!
Yes, someone was kind enough to share some of their favorite vanilla bean..
Hmm, well I think it will be much easier keeping a resolution for her..
that is if I get a little cooperation~


Leenie said...

Who could resist those big brown eyes??? What a beauty of a companion.

Wish we could shed problems like old skin. Which is better, having the bad ripped away or enduring slow change?

Joyful said...

Ha, ha, that's cute... I never knew a dog that likes to eat cookies and ice cream.

rainfield61 said...

I like this, "Was thinking of all those New Year's Resolutions, it's a little bit like shedding old skin?"

Will use in my next coming entry if you don't mind.

It is like shedding old skin....

Teté M. Jorge said...

Oh, God... you suddenly reminded me of our Kind (mean "child" in German). The same look of "beggar"...

Lovely shots...


Ginny Hartzler said...

She has beautiful eyes! I would be feeding her ice-cream, too!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thanks Leenie..me too
Penny- ya, funny they have such a sweet tooth
Rainfields- you certainly may~
Teca..ha, terrible huh! hugs-
Ginny, ya, it's just the trouble!

The Write Girl said...

What a sweetheart she is! Well, if you had any resolutions, she'll eat everything and remove all temptations. Fun post as always

Anzu said...

She has so tender eyes to be able to get easily sweet-scented and yummy ice cream.
It's difficult for me to beat the secret pleasure sharing with such a cute girl when I'm eating Haaggen Dazs. ∬´ー`∬ 畄 ヘU^ェ^U

Kilauea Poetry said...

Lol)..ya Katina, She'd love that idea..thanks-
Hello there Anne- thank you for visiting..they melt the heart huh!

Anonymous said...

Like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love love love the eye contact photo, they are all good and I like the change of focus in each one, but the eye contact is all about the eyes and captured her soul. like that shedding lizard a lot. good luck with your resolutions

Tes said...

Lovely photos! The post made me smile. :) As for resolutions, I heep mine super practical... hahaha


The first photo is very interesting ...
I will return back...


Wonderful post!

mARTy said...

I love the first shot especially. ...and the shots of the dog are sooo cute;) Have a happy weekend

Kilauea Poetry said...

Greetings Ian and Tes!! Hey, thank you for stopping by..do so again-
Sandra..I thought I did leave a comment (I'm bad)..yes..the eyes say it all. They did a study on wolves and Shepherds..if wolves want something they will try to find a way to get it themselves..shepherds will try to get you to get what they want for them..
Good morning Amin!!
Aloha Marty..glad you enjoyed them- wishing you a great day~

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!