Friday, January 28, 2011

Bush Blanket Bingo

Can you believe it?
I bought this package the other day just for the picture..can you tell?
I think puddy did a little too much partying then decided to hit the brush and not the beachside !
Well, I'm not sure how this Java Finch escaped (a little roughed up)? My husband brought him to me,
so I kept him by my side until I felt he was rested enough to return to the wild!
Imagine..these Gecko's weren't even able to tempt her!

But there was still another party going on...

~Streamers went up early~

The guys on the top floor looked down in disgust..
It had been a flash back to an earlier time,
when members of their own patch had too much to drink!
 Ya..a few of these are from the archives..(sorry)
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend~


Anya said...

You are just so silly as our Mommy
she would also buy that only for the picture on the package ........... LOL
But its really a very good LOOK-O-LIKE :-)
So so cute :-)

HUgs from us
and have a puuurfect week-end

Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

Joyful said...

Ha, ha...good story. Great imagination. How sweet that you were able to nurse the Java Finch back to health and your cat didn't try to eat it! Lovely sounds of water and birds again in the background. Just what I need right now as I'm very tired from packing and other such chores. Have a great weekend. I bet you know what I'll be doing.

rainfield61 said...

The gecko is too big as a bait, or it will stuck the throat of your Java Finch.

It has to judge what to take.

eileeninmd said...

Cute photos and post. Is the finch an escapee or a wild bird? Looks like kittie enjoys the party mix. Is it mainly because of the look a like kittie on the package. Cool shots of the geckos and their little feet. Have a great weekend.

Tracy said...

I love the quote in the top corner...I had read that a couple days ago and found it comforting!
the photos are beautiful but my favorite is the gecko's leg on the bright green leaves...stunning!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know i love geckos, these are fantabulous! looks like your cat got his photo on the bag, did he get paid for it? ha ha. love the curly things and the mushroom things. all the photos are beautiful

Regina said...

How cute my friend!
Enjoy your weekend.

doro said...

Hehehehe, cute cat story! Your red cat has twin!Awesome pictures, like always! Lizard, bird - so exotic!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Too funny!!!! They may be from the archives, but I haven't seen them. I'd love to know how you keep the cats from killing all the birds around there!


I have not seen before that bush blunket bingo.


Cute cat story!


Very interesting and informative photos!

Teté M. Jorge said...

A delightful story, Regina! Lovely shots...
I did very well to come here now: I had fun and relaxed...
By the way, the new design of your blog was great!
Have a beautiful Sunday next to yours.
Many kisses and cheers.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!