Friday, October 1, 2010

But We're All Strange!

Driving out to dinner awhile back, a potential family member made a remark that a couple of my family members were strange..I sort of knew where she was coming from, but leaned back and said- we're all strange" with a snicker. I honestly do think the whole human race is odd! 

I recently found a few old photos from an on-line genealogy site- (on my dad's side) which family members have submitted. I couldn't help in Ahh, oh my I see, kind of thing! This actually reminded me of the movie "Brother Where Art Thou" ..mostly because of all the behavior and would have to relate to something I'm sure.

Below was of a wedding (bride in the middle)..but look at the get-up!
They're sitting on a patch of grass too (lol).
(zoom in)

This link will take you to a commemorative I did (Yesterday's Fall). You'll see an old photo of my dad's Aunt Bee- who I fondly remember. She had a pretty good sense of humor and treated us nice too.

Anyway, Happy Campers pt. 2  coming up soon...


Ginny Hartzler said...

This wedding picture is so funny! But the pictures of your boys and the pumpkins are priceless!! This post reminds me of the old joke about a very old Amish couple sitting on the porch. The man turns to his wife and says "My dear, I think everyone in the world is crazy except me and thee, and sometimes I wonder about thee!!

eileeninmd said...

What a great photo and neat that you found it online. I enjoyed the photos of Yesterdays Fall. Your boys look cute with the pumpkins.

Anzu said...

Thank you for sharing your happy childhood with your family and cats.
I can understand the reason why you treat cats & dogs in a generous attitude.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yes we are all a little strange and some a lot strange and also what seems strange to me might not be strange to you.
these ladies are all dressed up and they look very strange to me, but back then they would have looked strange if they were not dressed like that with those tacky funny back then lovely hats. i am sooooo glad we dont wear hats.
PS there are certainly some strange folks in my family and i might just be one of them

Leenie said...

Do you think the bride and her attendants were serious, serious or mugging for the camera? LOL! And the autumn with the pumpkin and the kitties and the mama in Halloween paint are just fun.

Yes, we're all strange and isn't it FUN!

rainfield61 said...

A "potential" family member, that's interesting and keeps me wondering: potential, future..... in this working Saturday.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh thats a good one Ginny..
Eileen, is neat when you can find a connection.
Anzu, thanks for your kind words!
lol), I agree Sandra!
Leenie..maybe that's what makes me laugh..I tend to think they're taking themselves serious? Hard to know huh- thanks
Rainfields..I was being sarcastic, but it certainly won't be up to me to make that happen (ha ha)

The Write Girl said...

Hi Regina...I completely agree with your statement. Everyone has little quirks which makes them unique and special. I enjoyed your post and the photo is great. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

That is a terrific photo! And I love the one with your Aunt Bee, too! What a bunch of characters. :) The photos of your boys are precious, too. Ah, they grow up too fast.


I think everything is OK!


Beautiful boy photos with pumpkins ....


In these old photos I liked the clothes of the womans.
Beautiful clothes.
Why the womans do not wear so beautiful clothes?

DeniseinVA said...

What a wonderful old photo. Strange? I happen to believe a little strange is a good thing. It's all relative; what is strange to one person might not be strange to another. It's all in the eye of the beholder I suppose. Enjoy your day, the leaves have been falling here in Virginia. It looks like Autumn :)

p.s. love your header photo
An English Girl Rambles

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!