Friday, June 11, 2010



I realize this may seem inappropriate at this time..
But, if you could do it all over again..what would you do different?


Common name: Parrot Fish
Hawaiian Name: Uhu

(Click here for the Legend & Sound)

Seven parrotfish species live in Hawaii. Of these, three are endemic. The redlip parrotfish is the most sought after for food. Its snout is uniquely square and humped in shape. Terminal males, or those in the final mating color phase, are identifiable by their greenish-blue beaks

The beautiful parrotfish or uhu has a parrot-like beak. Males of this family of fishes come in bright parrot-like colors. A prime herbivore that helps to keep algae in check and trims away dead coral, the parrotfish plays a stellar role in maintaining the balance of life on ocean reefs. Some species ingest live coral, leaving characteristic bite marks or gouges on the coral, and often nibble on rock as well. All produce sand that provides habitat for crab and shrimp species and may wind up on a beach somewhere. Studies show that an 18-inch uhu can produce 700 pounds of sand per year-

I fixed these two for dinner the other night. Can you tell I softened up the photo of the red female? That's because her teeth weren't as clean as the male!


doro said...

Wooooooow! !!!

Butternut Squash said...

Wow. That is quite a grin! Your posts are amazing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you ATE these goregous creatures? yikes. who knew pretty fish were edible, i did not. the word i feel when i look at your header is Breathless! Stunning photo of those horses. I LOVE IT!

Flat Creek Farm said...

LOL... Regina, did you "clean" her teeth? :) Very interesting, and as always.. wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing this. I soak up every bit of Hawaii info that I can, and I would soooo love to return someday for a vacation! -Tammy

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yipes!! What a thing to find staring back at me, a fish with teeth! Kind of creepy, I don't know if I could eat one!! What does it taste like? Your link said people eat the liver, ewww! Have you ever? Why is he called a Termanal Male, does he die after mating? The info was interesting, and I loved the two legends!!

Leenie said...

There are always regrets and then, also a wondering of what would have happened if.....? But like most fish cannot swim backward--I guess we shouldn't spend to much energy trying to go back.

I loved the parrot fish I met up close and personal in those blue, blue waters off Maui. We shared crackers. They are messy eaters.


The horses in a new header are wonderful!


I have not seen before so like fish.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi..thanks for stopping in to share your thoughts! This is white fish..and very tasty!! My brother-in-law caught them and my husband cleaned them after a long day of work!! I felt a little sorry as I barely assisted him while our cat begged for scraps and I snapped pictures! So I winged a recipe I made for Mahi previously.. but that's interesting Leenie- they are beautiful especially the male!! Ya..I was trying to be funny..nothing deep (lol)
Greetings Amin..thanks- glad you enjoyed this!
Have a great weekend all!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

Thats some cool fish - and beautiful colours too. Cleaning her teeth! you made me laugh

Have a lovely weekend - :)Rosie

Unknown said...

you got me with the teeth cleaning, lol

excellent photos!


There are beautiful photos in Your old post------------------Light and color 2

Kilauea Poetry said...

Aloha- Rosie & Dave..thanks for this visit! They do have an incredible set of teeth!!
Glad your enjoying the light and color series Amin:)

rainfield61 said...

What an interesting post.

I would like to cook curry fish. It must be very delicious.

But am feeling very guilty because a parrot keeps staring at me from my left while typing thi comment.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hello there Rainfields..curry sounds wonderful!! You probably have something in mind I'm sure! Ya..he's giving you the side eye here (grin)..thanks-

Regina said...

Fish smile so cute and cool. That is really an amazing sand producing fish. I think I like to try it baked or fried. Yum.
Great post and captures my friend.
(Just home from an out of town activity, going to sleep now.)


Kilauea Poetry said...

Thank you Regina..hope you have a great week!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!