This photo is of my oldest son taken at Burger King when he was just a little tyke..on his birthday actually. Anyway, my husband needled me into watching "Super Size Me" on Hulu I think, just recently.. as we'd never seen it before (but that's a youtube trailer link). Anyway, though we've hit some drive Inn's, we generally do dinner at home for other reasons besides health. I tell you, after watching that movie though, we venture out much less!
I can't help but think of my mom and how she enjoyed her french fries. Though she made them herself, that's not to say she didn't enjoy having them out. She was the potato queen when it came to frying, baking, mashing or any other way you can think of molesting a potatoe? Consequently, I rarely fix them to this day (but I do like them)! I'm the oldest of seven so the idea being- starch was simply a good filler! I'm sure you understand?
Jesus was always concerned with the inside so really, Mt 15:11 keeps things in balance-"It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man" . (smile)
Having said that..they did an experiment in that movie, placing burgers and fries in jars to watch them decompose..but nothing ever happened to the fries? (lol) If that doesn't tell you something about preservatives I don't know what will? Anyway, we refer to them as chemicals too, right?
That's me (hypocrite) with a mixture of highlights-(chemicals) I chose to dump on top of my head. My husband is a mechanic, and he remarked that because he works with chemicals all day, he doesn't really like smelling them when he comes in? Who could blame him huh? It hasn't stopped me yet, ha ha.
I can't help but think of my mom and how she enjoyed her french fries. Though she made them herself, that's not to say she didn't enjoy having them out. She was the potato queen when it came to frying, baking, mashing or any other way you can think of molesting a potatoe? Consequently, I rarely fix them to this day (but I do like them)! I'm the oldest of seven so the idea being- starch was simply a good filler! I'm sure you understand?
Jesus was always concerned with the inside so really, Mt 15:11 keeps things in balance-"It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man" . (smile)
Having said that..they did an experiment in that movie, placing burgers and fries in jars to watch them decompose..but nothing ever happened to the fries? (lol) If that doesn't tell you something about preservatives I don't know what will? Anyway, we refer to them as chemicals too, right?
Can you figure out what's going here in the next photo?
That's me (hypocrite) with a mixture of highlights-(chemicals) I chose to dump on top of my head. My husband is a mechanic, and he remarked that because he works with chemicals all day, he doesn't really like smelling them when he comes in? Who could blame him huh? It hasn't stopped me yet, ha ha.
We watched the movie where Morgan Spurlock ate at a fast food restaraunt every day, for maybe a month? If they offered SuperSize, his rule made him accept it. At the end, not only had he gained weight, but his liver was messed up, etc. Is this the movie? I think It's "Supersize Me". Spurlock later had a T.V. show we loved where he would change his lifestyle for one month in some way. He did a different thing on each show. One time he was a coal miner, once he lived with Muslims, once he had to live on minimum wage in a cheap motel. Have you read the books based On Supersize Me? "Fast Food Nation" is scary. A milkshake has dozens of chemicals. And there are labs that mix dozens of chemicals just to get the right sccnt. What we smell is not the food, it's chemically engineered to smell that way. It's sad that we have had to resort to fast food most days now, as we are terribly busy running around and have no time for cooking, plus I am not able to cook anymore when we are on the run. I have not been able to find a solution to this. As usual, your post is quirky and thought provoking.
I don't get it friend:). Is that hair coloring? to be honest I don't really know how to color my hair.I just go to the beauty salon to get it done.
Your son was really cute.
Great post. And enjoy the rest of the week.
Yes..your right! I never saw those shows! I bet they are good too! Ya..I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty ha ha..I'm not exactly consistant..but I work on it. I understand and it just gets to be a pain sometimes. I noticed I used to make mexican, Italian and that but can't anymore just because all those ingredients add up now! Anybody else feel this way? Thank you Ginny!!
Hi there Regina..yes it is- I was comparing chemicals we get in food and the ones we use (like for hair). Hope you have a great week too!
Hahaha, I love french fries (polisch: "fritky") and home - cooking f-f is OK! ;D
Nice photos! So ... mistic ;D It is a small pleasure to coloring hair! We are a creators of myself, nice feeling.
I discover color of my hair this year, I have stopped coloring and I am.... brown ;D
I do enjoy them too (ha) for sure.. true-better at home. So fritky is fries. That's good about your hair too, I'm glad! Thank you Doro for your visit!
My family always eat at home, and do eat minimum processed foods.
Just try to put less chemical into our body.
You have a nice post.
my mother was also a potatoe queen. daddy grew potatos and we had a basement full of them, she made potato salad, french fries IN CRISCO, mashed, baked and in soups, stews and casseroles. My dad lived to be 93 and he ate her cooking every day, 3 times a day. he had bacon, eggs and bacon and toast 365 days a year. Potatos are heathy food and fat free, it is what we do to them that ruins them. I never had money for fast food, and we eat at "Wendy's once a month because we love it. I see young mothers drive through one fast food or another each day and that is bad. fast food is good and bad and of course all that stuff they add to all our food is probably why there is so much disease and cancer these days. when mother was cooking all our food came out of daddy's garden, it was fresh and good, not like what we buy today.
your son is so cute.
Good morning!
Your son is very cute!
You are happy,because You have so cute son!
Be Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not know anything about hair colors..............
We eat at home with my family
I have not seen that movie
I liked the flowers on Your old post-----Light and color.........
Oh my Amin, lol:))) Well maybe it's a good thing I know more about hair than you (smile)..hope you have a great day as well!! Thanks too-
Greetings rainfield- ya, at least you'll know just what you put in- thanks..Sandra..too funny! I agree, my mom just turned 89yrs & my dad will be turning 94yrs in Oct:)) I don't know what to think..must be a break down somewhere, and as he would often say "I'm coming unglued" -have a great day!
Your son is cute, I use to eat McDonald's food. Not the supersize though. It seems like my system just can not take fast food anymore. I should be thankful right.
My hubby and son can not stand when I get my hair done, they do not like the smell either.
Hi Eileen..no kidding..that's a big part of it huh..
loved, loved, loved your photos and your thoughts on fried potatoes!i've missed visting here!
P/s: I love your header very much.
Oh wow Yvette! How nic you came by to visit!! Hope your doing really well! How is school? You'll have to let me know what's new, otherwise I could ask too many questions- have a wonderful day:)) Greetings Rainfield- thank you..I do wish you a great day!
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