Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Focus Is The Focus..Why Red Makes Green Better

(Amplification of my musings below)-

When I was a kid
Everything always seemed so big
But like the wind,
I couldn't find the source

Is played out to a song
I'd often protest
To this rhyme
But like a line, somehow,
It carried me along

Doves within this melody
Give the sweetest refrain
Like jets overhead
Still, make me stop an stare

So if we'd but magnify
The source..
Red has the power
To make the green
A little better-
Cause His blood's
The beginning of every fountain

Like a song
If you let it
Carry you along..
As Green may just be
Another tributary
For the fallen race

If I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself-
Jn 12:32

Now, just so you'd get a better understanding of where I'm coming from, and won't think I'm trying to be obnoxious? I was thinking of (green)..the environmentally friendly one..as I would a large canvas. Well, I'm sure I don't see many of the problems a whole lot differently than say you would?
OK, but when I keep looking across, I find it equally disturbing, if not more- to know how dogs and cats in various countries are tortured and killed in the most sadistic manner before slaughter- with no animal rights period? Ya, abuse occurs everywhere? Still, I keep looking..(it's broad), and then, I can't help but notice, there is nothing about green that's going to make an iota of difference to the over 250,000 plus -Korean brothers and sisters wallowing in the gulags (now)..this is generations?- with the same clothes, shoes, brush etc..for there entire internment (that's life..unless one happens to escape (they have))? Oh, and many aren't being treated a whole lot better than a dog?
Now, while doing photos this morning, I realized it's a similar canvas. It's a lot like highlighting too..think of your subject?- as you can really only hope to emphasize or magnify one thing- the most essential- (within whatever you've cropped), but not exactly to the exclusion of everything else? So like red..I just happen to think it makes the green a whole lot better?

I realize these are a bit abstract..


Ginny Hartzler said...

It seems like quite a bit of your post is about perspective? Like complaining about and campaigning to be green when there are so many worse things going on in the world. So you need to take it out of perspective and only focus on it, or else just all the awful stuff is just too overwhelming. do I get it? I love your poem, you are just so good at that! And the cute green lizard! Your header flower is amazing, it looks like the water drops are on the back side of the petals, but perhaps that's an illusion. I also love the way you've worked the blood of Jesus into this, making it all so seamless and complete, your integration is marvelous. Tell me if I'm wrong about your point here.

DoanLegacy said...

Incredibly beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing these beauties from your part of the world. Just stunning.

The Write Girl said...

Hi Regina,

The poetry is beautiful here. I love the rhyme and flow in this piece. I also love the photos as well and your unique philosophy. Best wishes and take care!!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, thanks for your feedback. The world is like a canvas and I think it's got to be about order..Seems green nowadays nearly always smacks of religion? One could zero in on various issues-good or commendable- but there has to be something.. well like a plumb line? which continuously brings everything into focus..otherwise, your off on some stream. Again, thanks for your thoughts!
Greetings Doan Legacy- Thank you very much for your words and for stopping by- my best-
Hey, I appreciate that Katina!

doro said...

Hi Regina, I admire Yors photos (especially first and second!).Your vision of macro life is mistic and calm, unfortunately our world is cruelty. The most important thing (for us)is a knowledge and compassion and commiseration, be emphaty and to have many of patience.
Hugs! Have a nice weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree about the plumb line, and God is the one that keeps us straight. without Him, we get out of control, that is why the canvas of life is in such turmoil and hate and torture now. a large percentage of our population no longer feel they need the plumbline. God is what kept me from doing the things most teens do, although when i got older, i forgot the plumbline and fell down flat on my face.
thanks for the deep thoughts. WOW AND WOW on the header and that frog is so cute and the perspective is great.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Doro..thanks for taking the time for this read.. I don't think blogging is quite the same without the other's perspective- Thank you for adding your bright insight- it's most appreciated!
Sandra, me too..and you know what that is personally when it brings your life back into balance. I'm happy to hear your thoughts and that you enjoyed the photos- My best-

DeniseinVA said...

Another thought provoking post Regina. Your way with words is phenomenal and your photos always leave me in awe.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks so much for your comment and link on the origmai! Yes, you are right!!! It involves all kinds of math, and this guy is, of course, a mathmetician, as well. I'm horrible at math, had to stay way after school writing stupid numbers on the board! But I have been looking at the very simple kits to do with kids. Even the easiest ones seem to have huge instruction books with them. Guess I need "Origami For Dummies"!!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Greetings Denise..thanks for the visit and for the kind words!! I do hope you have a wonderful evening!
(Lol) Ginny..you too huh? Ya, my mom kept me in one Summer- (for the morning duration) so I could learn my times tables! I remember this huge pink pad of M Tables!! Anyway- I'm amazed at that stuff..and oh, no wonder he writes all those books!?! Hey, thanks!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Hi Regina. First, I love your new header. Beautiful macro shot of a flower. Second, your poem is lovely and powerful. I like the way you rhyme it. Third, your thoughts are thought provoking and I need to read over and over again. Maybe I am just too tired that is why I didn't get it for the first time. I echo Ginny's comment.

I adore people who can take pictures with so much passion and it is really reflecting on their photos. Plus it is not only appealing to the eyes, it can give a thought provoking perspective. Yes, it is the poetry of love and life. And I like yours.

Have a great weekend dear.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow..this was nice..I feel such a kindred spirit! What a lovely complement Misalyn! Thank you!! I just looked up the time zone..so your actually 14 hours behind me? I'm becoming more aware of that before I wish a happy weekend, ha..anyway, my best!

Anya said...

Love your new banner
A red sunflower
soooooooo special :)))

Wonderful green post today
your poem is so lovely & touching today..
Puurfect photo's (as always hehe..)
Thanks I love it :)))

Have a happy weekend Regina
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)


Good morning!
Good job!
Beautiful and interesting photos!
Wonderful post!

Joyful said...

Love your thoughts, poem and photos. Gives us a lot to think about ;-) Have a great weekend.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hello Anya, Amin and Joyful, thank you for sharing your words and time..might be morning but I'm ready for sleep- my best to all of you!

Maia T said...

Mastering English language is quite a challenge for me, so I won't comment the main idea but I like you beautiful photos.
What a perfect close-up of the little frog, nice work, like always.
Red and green are complementary colors of equal value, meaning that they exist only together.
If one of them is missing, the human eye will automatically create it. The two photos are a beautiful demonstration of their harmony.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh Maia..I can respect that! thank you for your thoughful words and bringing your delightful perspective- it's most welcome here! Hope you have a terrific day-

elvira pajarola said...

Ciao carissima Regina....ohhh, I am so terribly behind on visiting my bloggy friend....life at the moment is just soooo busy; happy but a little complicated ( I hurt my knee in the woods in one of these pooring rainy days and I am still hobbling and things take much longer...)

......I just took a long look at your magic- exotic -colourfull -fairytale gardens.......FABULOUS and WONDERFUL.....but my real favourite funny visitor in your "fairygreenjungle" remains my little brightgreen lizard......he just keeps smiling....so funny!

FABULOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ciao ciao un abbraccio elvira

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thank you Elvira!! I'm so sorry about your knee and I hope you get better! Take care of yourself..I will visit shortly- my best to you-

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!