Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fern Fever

 Not can't be serious?
(He wouldn't let me pass) 
A couple of you asked about the header..this is the same unfurling. I did a little online search- (I gave up wading through).. so closest match found- 
 Palapala (microlepia strigosa) I'd welcome any corrections?
Below are Amau (Sadleria cyatheoides) taken on a run to Costco last weekend along Saddle rd. (The trunks of the 'Ama'u resemble that of the Hāpu'u fern (I thought was) in that it has a golden-orange, soft, velvety hair, or pulu, that was used in the past as a stuffing for pillows and mattresses.)..even had a factory!

My only thoughts are that these look better up close -the beauty of macros(lol)..I suppose it depends on the location?


Ginny Hartzler said...

The first picture with the frog is amazing!! It needs to be on the cover of National Geographic. They have had photos on their cover not near as good as this!!! Wow, that is a crazy looking plant, I would definately not want it in my pillow!!

Joyful said...

All beautiful. Isn't nature so fantastic?


Wow ...what a beautiful photos!


They get the honey from the white acacia...

Leenie said...

More WOW photos! Never saw anything like that on my way to Costco here in Idaho.

Tania said...

So wonderful and green! Love that first picture.:-)

Regina said...

Wow amazing and fantastic captures my friend.
Thank you for the info.
That green guy is really cute.
Miss you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you thank you thank you for all the curly cues.. you know i love them all and most of all i love tht little guy doing pushups and staring into your camera lens. who knew? i am smiling really big now

rainfield61 said...

I agree with you. Macro magnifies the joy of photography.

Shanae Branham said...

Your colors of green are extraordinary. I love the little frog! You truly have an eye for beauty.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos, love the lizard. And the ferns are gorgeous. The colors on the last one reminds me of fall time. Have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day.

Amazing Gracie said...

Ferns are my very favorite of all the plants. We enjoyed seeing the fern grotto even after the hurricane. It will be beautiful once again...

Anzu said...

I could not find such fantastic curling fiddlehead in woods. I hope to put the fantastic garland of fiddlehead on my hair.
∬´ー`∬ ♪

doro said...

Hahah, this small little fellow is fantastic!

i stora drag said...

Hi Regina!
Thanks for your last comments! Glad you tried again when there was problems with the translator! But don't you think it translate a bit strange? I do! :)

The lizard is soooo sweet! Is it very small? We don't have those in Sweden! Very nice photos of the golden fern! It's so amazing out in the nature! Yesterday we found out about a new lovely place, where we certainly will go many more times! In our own hometown!
Have a lovely weekend! Oh, so you have Mother's Day now, we have the last weeekend in May!
Kind Regards

Teté M. Jorge said...

Ah... You're especial indeed.
Have a great Sunday, honey.

Warm hug.

DoanLegacy said...

Have never seen fern like this! So spectacular..

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!