Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tsunami Hero's & Best Friends

Joy and appreciation mixed with sorrow~

This is so touching..I couldn't get this video in English, but keep watching and you'll see how devoted this dog is to his injured friend. They have both been rescued thankfully (see more here)

I'm sure we'll never hear about all the hero's, but they're already being dubbed the Fukushima Fifty:
The men who are trading shifts to try to prevent the full meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility.
On their shoulders rests the safety -- and perhaps the lives -- of thousands of Japanese citizens. When the facility's 800 employees were evacuated last week following the earthquake and tsunami, these were the men who stayed behind to try to cool down the reactors..

Though it's been painful only to watch the circumstances imploding here in Japan..but we can be thankful for the moments when the clouds part-

Even in laughter the heart may ache,
and joy may end in grief
Pr. 14: 13

This is my son's puppy and the video is a rather intimate moment while baby-sitting last's worth it just to wait and hear her antagonize our dog Moo~



Joyful said...

Heartwarming videos. It is so touching to see dogs in action. They are such faithful friends. I'm so glad the first ones were rescued. It looked to me that the white and tan dog was trying to get help in addition to standing guard. Your son's little pup is sooo adorable. Makes me want to have one and cuddle it but can't have one here in the city. At least in my building. Thank God for the Fukushima men. May God be with and protect them for what they are doing.

eileeninmd said...

I just love your sons cute puppy and your Moo was wonderful. I'm sure they will be great friends. It is sad to see all the videos from Japan on the news. My prayers and thoughts continue for all the people in Japan. Being a dog lover this video is especially sad.

The Write Girl said...

I'm in awe of the bravery of the people of Japan and the dog watching over his friend is so heartwarming. On another note, your son's puppy is the cutest! I could watch this little guy all day. Was he chewing on a laptop? One crazy video there. Have a good night!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Such an adorabe puppy video!! I must say that your dog had lots of patience and tolerance!!! Something tells me that the puppy is going to rule the roost!! the first video is so sad!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all of this is heartbreaking, glad to hear he was rescued. the men that are trying to stop the meltdown are putting their lives in danger and are true heros. i told Bob when we were listening to the horrifying number of deaths that the numbers did not include all the animals and pets and wild life that would have died in this horror. my prayers are with Japan and all those people that are working so hard to stop all this trouble


Good morning! The videos are very beautiful...
It is good that they are rescued.


Little pup is very funny...

Regina said...

Heartwarming! Our continued prayers.

They are cuties my friend.
Wonderful post!
Have a lovely weekend.

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Touching video of a loyal friend and SALUTE the Fukushima Fifty. Nice cute little puppy..tQ

sojourner said...

so touching and so cute! Thanks for sharing both. It is always hard for me to understand such disaster and distruction.


Have a good week-end!

Anzu said...

I pray that both of dogs are alive in safe hands.
(;'o')m U/ェ・、UχUTェTU

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!