Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beauty Gazing In The Mirror

And of needs unsatisfied...

At night the watchmen of the city say,
"Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east."
 And at noontide the toilers and the wayfarers say,

"We have seen her leaning over the earth
from the windows of the sunset."

beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.
It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,
But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.

It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,
But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.
It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,
But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.

People of Orphalese,
beauty is life when life unveils her holy face

But you are life and you are the veil
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror
But you are eternity and you are the mirror~
Kahlil Gibran

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done
from beginning to end~


Ginny Hartzler said...

Powerful stuff. For a moment I thought you had written it, you two have such similarities. Yes, you are that good.

Leenie said...

Such thoughtful and deep words from Mr. Gibran. Nice matchup with the Ecclesiastes scripture. Your photos compliment them well(love all the water drops and the little lizard eye peeking out). We need to be reminded about the essence of beauty and eternity and how much we are a part of it.

Joyful said...

Beautiful imagery, in words and in photos.

doro said...

Regina, fantastic photos [especially lizard]!
He/she wants to look like plant!
I love K.Gibran poetry.
Have a nice day and weekend too.

rainfield61 said...

I like the eye in the second last photo. It is beautiful, and you are so good to have captured this.

How can I say? I'll always chase after beauty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the poem, all true, every word of it. you know i love that first photo of the lizard and all your photos today are each and everyone stunning. BUT.... my all time favorite IS??? you can guess it, the eye peeking out. Wow!!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT

Amazing Gracie said...

Your blog is a gift I give myself. The words, the photos - yes, I love the little lizard - and the richness of the earth. I can almost breath in the air, heavy with oxygen and earth. I was so much at home there, especially in the rain, when all of the scents intensify.
~~~Hope your husband has a wonderful birthday.

i stora drag said...

Hi Regina!
Beutiful pictures from your side of the world! A bit rainy though!
Funny, my husband had his birthday yesterday!
Kind regards Pia

Joyful said...

Hi Regina, I wanted to stop by and wish your DH a very Happy Birthday! I also wanted to thank you for your several messages about Kigen. Unfortunately, one or two of your messages didn't get through to blogspot. I don't know why. It is very annoying cuz you take the time to visit and write me.Just know that I appreciate it ;-) xx

Teté M. Jorge said...

It was time that I didn't come here. I like coming here when I have a longer time to enjoy your photos and the things you write to us.
I told you here that I feel very good atmosphere... an astral magic.
I'm sure your husband's birthday will be celebrated as well, because you seem to be a very dedicated person.
I wish him much happiness and that he makes the most of this amazing person you are.

A wonderful weekend.
A warm hug with love in the heart.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful words to go with your beautiful photos. I just love the lizard or is it a gecko peeping out and the cute puppy dog. The flowers are all lovely. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, in both photos and words!


Beautiful post!


Wonderful photos!


Very beautiful new header!

The Write Girl said...

Your words and photos are beautiful. I hope your husband has a wonderful birthday. Take care dear :)

mARTy said...

Great words and photos- it´s like being on vacation --seeing the pics and listening nature´s voices;) have a great week and celebration

i stora drag said...

Thank you Regina for your kind words on my blog and for your Birthday wishes for my husband! I'm so sorry I hadn't written my wishes for Your Husband!! I thought I did! Hope he had a wonderful day! :)
I didn't understand either there really was a little lizard on the plant! *lol* I'm not familar with those lizards and not the plant either! :)
Kind regards

Noel Morata said...


beautiful words and photos to compliment, its a beautiful day in paradise this morning.

Amazing Gracie said...

Just checking in ! I'm enjoying your comments, and am so glad you checked out Lois' blog. She is SO much fun!!! Another one is Miss Bee, Empress of the High Sea. What a hoot! She and her hubby, Sarge Charlie, are two of the most interesting people I've met blogging. They're both cancer survivors, but he's undergoing treatment for a recent batch - attributed to the time he spent in Viet Nam and Agent Orange. But you'd never know he's ill. What a guy!
Thanks for coming along on the crayz ride we're on. My dog, Homer, just heard the bird call and jumped up in the middle of the laptop! He's not sure what that was since we have two birds...


I love the flowers...

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Your photos are exquisite. The words are beautiful too, they go so well together. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.

Anzu said...

I love your Series of a Green Lizard.
He hides behind the leaves with funny face ♪

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Dear Regina, this post has been a blessing to me today...very much so. Timing in coming to read it is amazing. God Bless.


Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!