Sunday, February 27, 2011

Passionately Excessive

"Keep your faith in all beautiful things;
in the sun when it is hidden,
in the Spring when it is gone."
~Roy R. Gilsoni

"O Day after day we can't help growing older.
Year after year spring can't help seeming younger.
Come let's enjoy our winecup today,
Nor pity the flowers fallen."
~Wang Wei~


Joop Zand said...

Wow..... very nice macro pictures with lovely light and colors..... very well done .

Greetings and a nice day, Joop


Hello! How are You?!
Wonderful photos!
Beautiful post!

Joyful said...

Beautiful quotation and I just love the vibrancy and crispness of your photos. So colourful too.

rainfield61 said...

You made me cracking my head thinking of the original Chinese version of what had been written by Wang Wei. I failed to get that.

BTW, Wang Wei was one of the famous poet in Tang Dynasty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brilliant post of brilliant colors, all of these the color is magnificent!!! love that purple flower in the header and you KNOW I love the lizards. i feel like i opened a crayon box and see all the colors in the box.

Ginny Hartzler said...

How do you DO it?? Amazing!! What is the second picture? You must be crawling with lizards. I don't know which is my favorite, the shadow or the real one. Both so georgous, and the way you got his eye!! The shadow ones are very artistic. Is this all in your yard? If I lived there, I would have to have my camera surgucally implanted on my body!!


Beautiful colors...

Leenie said...

Your photos are so full of life. They make me want to run out and purchase a macro lens. But even if I had one I would be challenged to find so much color and energy in this cold wintry landscape. Good to think about how spring gets younger as we grow older.

The Chair Speaks said...

These are absolutely lovely photos!

Anya said...

Hi Regina

Yes thanks for telling me about this post
its really amazing !!!
You can make wonderful puurfect shots !!!!

I did not understand your last post
it was to early in the morning here
(I was just out bed)
and its diffecult to read so early english

Have a wonderful evening
and a peaceful night

Hugs from us

Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Anya

FaysaL said...

you are a great photographer, I like these hight Quality photos.

Regina said...

Gorgeous and succulent my friend.


Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!