Friday, November 12, 2010

Tangerine Sky

It's Another Day
To soften the glare
Like a song,
Pollen drifts over furrowed brow
Melts the clouds
Abstract frowns
Clings along transparent wings
Are here at play
It's another day..
Lipstick smudged petals
Like umbrella's overhead
Waiting for their shower
Under a tangerine sky
With abstract smiles..
Ya, we've just been given
Another day~

"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature;
Old things are passd away;
Behold, all things are
Become new"~


Leenie said...

There are those sunflowers--to save me from the icicles. Thanks! Bees get so involved in the plenty of pollen that they'll ignore the most persistent paparazzi. Nice shots. Fun verse. Abstract smiles and another new day. All good things.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the images in your poem!!! And all the wonderful flowers and fungi!! My favorite plant would be the fifth picture. It reminds me of those big pleated collars they used to wear in Elizabethean times, at least the queens and palace people. And it looks like a carpenter bee, but it is completly black, interesting!

Anzu said...

I'm glad to know your fantastic world is peaceful and happy at all.
Especially, your cutest cat tell us it's my good day.
d(=①。①=) fine♪

The Write Girl said...

I love the richness and depth in each of your photos. Your poetry is so beautiful and deep. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

rainfield61 said...

When flowers always bloom in front of me, fungi choose to stay alone at a small corner.

But once they have been seen, I shall fall in love with them forever.

They are beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the kitty... and the mushrooms. the 4th photo up from the bottom, what is it? gorgeous.


I was very busy!


Have a good week-end!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hey Leenie they do. I sometimes ware camouflage!
Thank you Ann!! Hugs
Rainfields- ya, I agree..thanks! You know, we might get lost wandering in the rainforest and bump into one another one day (lol)
Sandra, Amin..hope your doing well my friends..a fuzzy day to all-:))

perlen said...

so beautiful blog,and wonderful photos

Kilauea Poetry said...

Katina..hey- appreciate your inspiring feed back!!
Perlen- greetings- thank you for your words and visit!

Maia T said...

Hi there, long time no see.
But I was thinking of you.

You have a beautiful post today. As always your photos are gorgeous. I love those white mums in sepia and the mushrooms and the cute kitty too.

Have a great weekend!

Rose said...

Beautiful colors! :) Love the feeling, your photos have life!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!