Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If I Was The Sun Way Up There..

I'd go with my love everywhere
I'll be the moon when the sun go down
To let you know I'm still around...

I'll be the weeping willow drowning in my tears
You can go swimming when you're here
I'll be the rainbow when the sun is gone

Wrap you in my colors and keep you warm
That's how strong my love is
That's how strong my love is

I'll be the ocean so deep and wide
I'll dry the tears when you cry
I'll be the breeze when the storm is gone
To dry your eyes and keep you warm
That's how strong my love is, yeah

So deep and so wide my love is.
Yes it is so strong can't get over it
Is so wide you can't get around me
That's how strong my love is
Yeah it so strong, so strong, so strong
Yeah yeah yeah~
(Overton Vertis "O. V." Wright)
First time I heard this was by the Stones..I was sold! Well, then I woke up out of a dream (ha ha)
I discovered man wasn't capable of this kind of devotion or faithfulness (what I can tell you from my experience) (Mick should know)..not sure about Mr. Wright?

Anyway, in 2 Tim 2:11, it says
"In dying with the Messiah
True life we gain
Enduring, we with him shall reign.
Who him denies,
He will disclaim.
Our faith may fail, His never wanes —
That’s who he is,
He cannot change"
I can just hear it..like a gospel tune..(lol)
Rev 22:3-6
No longer will there be any curse. (as far as I'm concerned..disappointment and frustration are because of it) The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.
The angel said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.”


The Write Girl said...

What a beautiful post Regina...the images had me spellbound. Lovely and stunning words as always!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your header is amazing, and that bee in flight has not escaped me!! The iris tendrils look like ribbon curls, God's gift coming all wrapped up just for us! Those pictures, you took them all...that end of the rainbow or whatever it is coming out of the dark, WOW!!! The light has come out of the darkness and the darkness has not understood it! I love the words of that song, at first I thought it was one of your poems. Did you say the name? The STONES sang it? I don't think I've ever heard it! This post is a complete and wonderful devotional, I can't believe you would ever consider not letting others see and read this kind of stuff!! Using your gift is why we are here.

Anzu said...

As we can share various fantastic sky and moon and water, so I believe that we can share many kinds of thoughts which exist within our mind. I love the first sky. It has miraculous colors.

rainfield61 said...

The song will linger for months and stay in memory forever...

I am always inspired by you.

Arti said...

Such a beautiful post... Great pics and wonderful poem, loved it!! Thats the way love should be, in an ideal world...
Have a great day:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

GORGEOUS skies. I love that cloud with the rainibow hanging out of it and the first photo is wonderful. glad to see you back in the blog saddle again. hugs

Joyful said...

Beautiful images and beautiful poetry/lyrics. Here I thought you penned the poetry. I didn't realize it was a song.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thanks Katina!!
Ginny- you've really encouraged me- shot in the arm!
Glad you enjoyed this Ann..I agree-
Rainfelds- I appreciate your kindness and visits!!
Greetings Arti..how nice- I'm happy you stopped by-
Sandra...ha, I tend to procrastinate, hmm? (Hugs)
Hey Penny..awesome- hope you have a wonderful day!

doro said...

Regina! Amazing photos, so beautiful post and poem!
Hugs from autumn Poland! ;*

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!