Sunday, June 13, 2010

Under The Blue Marble

My youngest son and I took a trip to the Arboretum in town.. maybe around the end of the 90's
I picked up a few seedlings from this tree..planted two- one on each side of the property.
This one is much bigger, but I heard they bear fruit tasting similar to a fig and
fancy beads are made of the seeds (blue). Neither one have produced anything yet, but I have a Royal Poinciana that took 7yrs before it blossomed? (I'll save that for later) Maybe something to do with growing them from a seedling (or two males perhaps)..what do you think?

Well, the leaves do fall far from the tree don't they..
(you do see it)?'s a lot of pictures..but what else am I suppose to do with them all? (lol)
Above, growing off the end..(be sure to enlarge)..

And as they say, "a rolling stone gathers no moss"
Most of these are of moss adhering to old wood and nails except for the one below


The Write Girl said...

What beautiful photos. I love the trees Regina. It's amazing how large and massive they can grow!! Fantastic shots.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hmmm...mushrooms growing through WOOD?? And are you making that sweet little kitty walk the plank? His green eyes look lovely with the green leafy background! I do see the leaf floating far, far away from the tree, goodness what a detail to see and snap, how fast you must be or else it fell in slow motion!

Maia T said...

It's a lot of picture indeed but beautiful, all of them. Those first tree and sky photos are amazing and your kitty is so cute.
That's the problem with photos of different subjects; you can comment on all of them.
Have a great week!

Unknown said...

excellent series, i love the mono and the cat shots.

Unknown said...

PS, thank you very much for including me in your blogrol.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

of course you have to post them all, you KNOW I can relate to THAT. Love the tall trees and the pawwwwwssss. cute kitty. our poinciana took 7 years also, we grew a dwarf one from seeds from our neighbors tree. don't you just love growing trees from seeds? amazing things God did for us.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for your comments! Yes, that is our son playing chess with Phil. That picture was taken about 10 years ago when son Mike had longer hair and he really looks different now. The other photos were taken over the years, most pretty current. The header is less than a year old. You picked up on all the running around, then the sleeping pictures!!

Leenie said...

All lovely and refreshing. Your model did a fine job posing and showing off the subject. Better than Vanna White.

rainfield61 said...

Yes, I see it. It is a betrayed one that try to go the furtherest away from the parent.

I love to photograph mushroom. Happy to see you are alike.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thanks Katina..Ginny..oh good, you noticed the leaf (grin). Now I'm glad I got that right-what a great family series indeed! As I said, I'll be looking forward to the new post.
Sandra..I figured you'd understand (heh heh)..
serious about your Royal P. too..ahh? I have the (pink) dwarf too- I do and your right!
Hi there Leenie..that was good!..thank you for stopping by! did notice the leaf too, yup! Your header..what is that type of unfurled fern? My best-

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no post for TWO days, where are you? are you going to post your SILLY fotos


Good morning!
Wonderful photos!


Beautiful cat.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Beautiful.. as always! And of course I'm partial to that yellow/orange kitty :) Have a wonderful day! -Tammy


Thank You very much for Your beautiful commennts in my blog.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!