Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hope Widens

Thoughts deep as wells
Can haunt you
Leave there print
On furrowed brow

Shadows ripple
Under lonesome skies
Silver lining
Casts an iridescent glow

As I walk along
Hope widens
Across these playful shores

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Co 13:12


The Muse said...

It is my genuine hope that summer has wrapped her arms about you, as tenderly as your poetry has embraced me today :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hope widens, I really like that thought, and the way you put it. I always enjoy it when you post your poems.

doro said...

How beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is just plain beautiful, no other words needed. i am going to remember these words
Thoughts deep as wells
Can haunt you
Leave there print
On furrowed brow
YES they can, and i have the furrowed brow to prove it. great post

rainfield61 said...

And hope widens
as when we scry
ripples spin
dragonflies dance

Regina said...

Wow love the poem and the title.
A wonderful weekend dear friend.

Leenie said...

Remarkable poetry! So full of heart and a delight to read. Thanks. And the photography's subdued colors give the feeling of a stormy beach. Love the look of your dog. What a friend he/she must be. And one of my favorite scriptures. Aloha


Good morning!
Very interesting post and lovely post.


Thank You for Your beautiful comments on my blog.
I do not know why there are so many flowers in the canyon.


Yes,You are right I did a trip last week to that canyon.

The Write Girl said...

This is a stunning and beautiful post...I am in awe of these photos Regina. Thank you for sharing. Take care :)

The Muse said...

A monumental blessing and a most sincere thank you for the words you left on my blog...

Unknown said...

truly romantic!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful post and poem. The photos are great too. And I always love your wonderful dog.

elvira pajarola said...

Carissima Regina.........soo many gorgeous Photos.....i just love them all; flowers; landscapes and your sweet foury friend......fabulous!!!!!!!

Wonderful tour through your exotic World and your wonderful written words!!

ciao ciao cara Regina

Kilauea Poetry said...

I didn't really respond to each of you on this post but so appreciate all of your terrific words of encouragement-

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!