(I was having trouble with this, but click the last image for How Theodore Rossevelt Created and Preserved The National Forests)
To me, Earth Day is really an admission something is wrong? You can call it wasted energy, resources, time..or what ever impacts our environment. Basically, it all stems from greed, selfishness, poor choices and so forth. But wouldn't you say it's a way to deal with what ever has sprung from not valuing what we have or have been given somewhere along the line? Often it's just plain ignorance.
Jesus had a simple way of bringing things into balance and this is why He said in Jn.15: 1-5 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine dresser. “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit .. apart from Me you can do nothing".
See, either way it's just a focus..the outcome for which- can only determine our attitude on our family and environment.
Anyway, that's my say for Earth Day-

(Click here for How Theodore Roosevelt Created and Preserved the National Forests)
Theodore Roosevelt created andpreserved thNational Forests
See, either way it's just a focus..the outcome for which- can only determine our attitude on our family and environment.
Anyway, that's my say for Earth Day-

Theodore Roosevelt created andpreserved thNational Forests

Beautiful, beautiful photos. Your comments about Earth Day are telling. They tell a tale of a human race that has squandered the natural riches given to us by our heavenly Father. Hopefully we can regain some of what we have wasted by taking better care in our own areas :-)
Fantastic captures Regina, as always. I am so in love with your photos....it always soothes my eyes. And your header? Oh my ...what can I say? It is simply beautiful.
I agree with your thoughts about the Earth day and thanks for sharing the bible verse. Makes me think more.
Have a great weekend dear.
manificent photos today! the colors are so wonderful, especailly the first few fotos. but then all your photos are goregous. love seeing what your part of the world looks like
Very beautiful photos.
Mahalo for so beautiful photos!
Amazing pictures!!!! And what is that with the leaf in the second picture? It looks like water or ice that's just hanging in the air. I don't know how you find such things!! Perhaps even If I saw things like this, I would miss them, because I think it's your artistic eye, which I don't have! The earths population has grown more since 1950 than in the last 2 million years. So many more animals endangered now, and the deforestation of the Rain Forest, seems just atrocious. I love your play on words in the beginning!
Joyful- I always appreciate your input- big hug!Ya, and I think looking out at the whole landscape (green is just a part of it)..so one just has to decide where to begin? Have a great day!
Misalyn..hi there, your welcome..glad you enjoyed these- fun to exchange images of near and far!
Greeting Vaggelis- thank you!
Hi Sandra..you can tell its pretty rainy huh?
Hi there Amin..I will stop by shortly..have a great afternoon!
Oh and I second that Ginny- along with the plight of bees, immigration and terrorism..the list just grows, don't it? I'll swing by soon to visit- thanks for your thoughts, they mean a lot-
You have an amazing imagination. These photos are so special again. It is not about the subject; they are just a flower, a leaf and a water drop but the way you create your compositions adds your own signature on each of them. This is the most difficult part of an artwork.
Great post for Earth Day. The photos are awesome. You always have a wonderful ways with words.
BTW, thanks for the visit to my blog. I do not see rainbows often so even part of one made me happy.
We really must learn to take care of our earth. It is there for all of us and our children after us. And not just on Earth Day.
I love coming here and reading your posts Regina. We have a lot to thank Teddy Roosevelt for. A fascinating person from what I have read about him. Thank you also for the wonderful link.
Maia..I'm truly encouraged! Your words are a shot in the arm today!
Eileen, I'm grateful as well! I love your visits!
Hello Friko..I feel the same. My point was, and for instance- As I look to the object of my affection- it will come out of the overflow -as He is the source. Everything else is merely symptomatic? He once said "you'll always have the poor with you"..in other words-look to me. Anyway, thank you for this dialog..how ever short it will be (lol)
Denise..wow, someone finally said something. It is a terrific link- I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Delighted you stopped by..thanks and have yourself a great weekend-
Ballance, probably the most difficult mean of movement, yet the most successful one.
Wishing you a wonderful start into the weekend.
Great post for Earth Day! Your shots are absolutely beautiful! The T. Roosevelt photo is amazing and it reminds me of some jungle trees I've seen on my travels!
P.S. The shining castle in Florida is unbelievable, how much work there! Thanks for the link, Regina.
I see the big tree on the last picture.It is wonderful.
What a wonderfull photos! A colors, shapes, natural form, raindrops! And interesting reflection about Earth Day. I'm agree!
Robert.. thank you- couldn't be more true! My best for you this weekend as well!
Oh, great JM..I recall I forgot to say how great that post was of yours-the bus- the artist was terrific.
(I was blathering on), ha? Anyway. Hope you enjoy your weekend!
You liked that Amin! It is pretty fascinating huh..! Thanks...and Doro- hey, missed you and I'm so glad you visited! Hope you have a wonderful weedend- all
And now you tempt me with a nice cool drink! LOL! The colors in that photo are so intense--very nice. And I love that upturned leaf with the water drop poised to fall.
Thank you Lisa!! I missed you! You won't believe it..that cup was 1/2 full of lemon and some lime I used for a liver flush, ha ha..I wish I could say it was a mojito!! (grin)
Ewww! No sugar?? LOL! I've missed you, too! I'm so stressed these days trying to get everything done I need to do. . . But this too shall pass.
Hey thanks..I was hoping I'd hear from you as I get weirded out on this blogsphere from time to time. I wonder if I've stepped on toes or if others in this sphere will just hang in there for you or overlook differences (it's what I hope for anyway)? I will be stopping by soon to visit! I'm suppose to be giving my dog a vinegar spray bath (keeps her from scratching) and sent the ticks (as well as the occasional flea) she picked up on out of here!
P.S. Vinegar spray for your dog? That must smell delightful (not). :(
Sorry, didn't mean to weird you out. LOL! Not to worry, no toes stepped on! :)
I just get really busy at times. I'd been working 12-14 hour days and have been too exhausted to catch up in the Blogosphere (it's so busy!). Work, house, husband, teenager, friends, volunteer work. . . it all gets to be a bit much sometimes. And now I'm sick (though that shouldn't be any big surprise I guess). We are all sick, actually. Fun, fun, fun. :(
I always stop by to visit when I can! I really enjoy your posts, Regina!
I hear you..and honestly feel relieved! You do sound busy! I'm sorry your not feeling well either!! hah ha..so true..
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