Saturday, November 2, 2013

Position or Official, What Is Eternal?

Military Training Manual: The ‘Healthy, White, Heterosexual, Christian Male Receives Many Unearned Advantages’
(637 pages) lol) this is rich- 

Not long ago I was learning a technique for binding a quilt. An interesting parallel occurred to me which will serve as an allegory.

I drew the two connecting pieces together and it hit me..the church or the body of Christ is like that. Hebrews 4:10 says For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.

I thought about our position like I always do and the fact that war is is real and this is how I'd describe it-
We have slaughter of Christian's all over..we ought to know that (course this jihad is against all the Kaifers) and as I mentioned in a prior post, Obama said "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam" Hmm? YET.. and meanwhile, however, in Sudan and Mauritania, racist Arab societies enslave blacks. One might think American student activists would be upset about Mauritania, the West African country with the largest population of black slaves in the world – estimates range from 100,000 to more than a half-million. In Mauritania, slaves are used for labor, sex and breeding. The wholly owned property of their masters, they are passed down through generations, given as wedding gifts or exchanged for camels, trucks, guns or money."
So just who is Obama kidding??

See, if your a new creature in Christ, then many a change will take place, but one thing is certain, you won't need to rely on manipulation or blame. Everything comes under a perfect order and is unseen..only you certainly recognize it.
Back to position. Now, churches are being destroyed all over and I saw an incredible example during the 10th anniversary of 911 where you had two opposite sides..and this is exactly my point. 
- Obama stays away from any motivation
-No first responders, 
-victims families invited
No pastors, priests or Rabi's allowed to speak, yet the whole thing is official (Obama is technically representing the United States of America right? 
Now this here was going on on the other side of town (with no media to back them)..see it for yourself and video below- 

The physical church will not stand up against what's coming! So, in conclusion, our position is just like butting yourself up with Hebrews 4. 
"Christ risen is shown to be a reality for inward expression, experience. The risen life of the Lord is to be in us. Christ is to be in us by His life, and by His Spirit of life. The inward meaning and value of Christ risen is the reproduction of His life in all those in whom He is, that all such as have Him dwelling in them in the power of His risen life should be an expression of Christ in life, should manifest Him in the power of that life. It is reproduction of the Christ life in us. The law of that reproduction in us is that we ourselves should die, should accept the place of death, so that all personal life, personal interest is entirely put away, is shed, is parted with, and Christ becomes all. That is what Paul meant when he said, "I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, and yet no longer I, but Christ liveth in me". Here is the expression of Christ produced because all life which is not of Christ has been yielded to the Cross, has died. It has fallen into the grave of the Lord Jesus, and out of the grave of the Lord Jesus there has come an expression of Him" (T. A. Sparks) (Full article here)

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