Sunday, October 20, 2013

Frankenstein Was A Much Better Creation!

Quite impressive-
Associated Press
WASHINGTON "The U.S. has quietly decided to release more than $1.6 billion  in aid to Pakistan!!

Officials and congressional aides said ties have improved enough to allow the money to flow again"

Here is the proof:
Two suicide bombers attack Pakistan church killing 85 people in deadliest-ever attack on country's Christians..over a 140 injured (imagine how gross)
Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the bombing in Peshawar

More proof:
Sickening UK Pakistani muslim already convicted of trafficking and exploiting a ten year old deaf and mute orphan girl has now been found guilty of sex slavery and rape! Yup..lets give um a reward! Remember Obama's chilling words? "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam!!" Well, I've come to the conclusion that Frankenstein was a much better creation!!


  1. Fill me in on what has been going on with you and the "physical limitations"


One more dew drop..