Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm a Bumblebee

 Halloween Dog Walk I attendeed in town with my
Younger son - his Shepherd -as a Pumpkin
my dog to the left (she's a Bumble Bee)
 Sniffing (we like that) under the Banyan

 (With his little Terrier center)
There were lots of cute dogs
like this
Rasta Dog
Bulldog in a Tutu 
I celebrated my dad's 95th birthday last week with my two boys  men, as well as our 20th wedding anniversary this past weekend too.
Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend~


Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
What a lovely post with both Halloween and your family.
Congratulations with your father's 95 birthday.
My father died in 1999 (77 years old) but mom is still going strong (87 years).
Would you and your family a good day.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥
PS. Weather in Jutland / Skelhøje (where I live): Grey + 11.3 degrees, but mild seasons.

Joyful said...

Wow! Your dad made it to 95 years! What a milestone. And you and your dearly beloved made it to 20 years. Another milestone. Congratulations to you all and may God continue to bless your family in this way.

I love your dog's bumble bee cute. I'm also glad to year the report you sent me ;-) I'd send you an email if I knew how/where.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Regina, what a fun day with the dogs in costumes. Your bumblebee and pumpkin look cute. Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad and Happy 20th Anniversary to you and yoru hubby. I wish you many more happy years together.

Anya said...

Congratulations with your 20 years together :)
Congratulation with your Dad's 95th Birthday .... Wow!!

And YES you are a very sweet bumblebee hahahaha...

Hugs :)

Anzu said...

Thank you for sharing the funny doggy's costume party. Her charming bumblebee makes me smile. ( ´艸`)
The good news is that your elder father looks fine, and it's your happy 20th memorial day with handsome boys !(b^ー゚)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Anniversary, i love the dog pics, such a sweet face in the first bumblebee shot. a great post to me is when it is a big majority of dog pics and this post gets a big A plus in my book.

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

I bet the dog walk was fun! Congrats on your anniversary! Halloween, eh? Hmmmmm. . . LOL

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy anniversary!!! I hope you both did something fun and romantic! Is that you in the picture, in the back? The dog thing looks like fun!

The Write Girl said...

Beautiful photo of the family. The dogs are too cute in their costume. Sweet!!

Brenda Green said...

Dear Kilauea,
Your blog is beautiful!!! I love the way you did the sides, the pictures everything.
Thank you for putting the video of Islam of America, it was very informative. We need to wake up. warmly Brenda

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
Thank you for your comment.
You wrote: "I ​​missed mange of your posts.
Can not you see all the posts I've put in - or what?
Halloween - is a practice we have taken to us from America - I compare it with what is called: Turn the cat of the barrel.
In stores up to Halloween, you can buy pumpkin lanterns, spiders, skeletons, etc., everything is orange and black.
A little funny to see that your dog had Halloween Cover on.
Wishing you a good Wednesday.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥
PS. I love to watch / read your incredible beautiful blog.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

A very special birthday indeed! Happy Birthday to your dad, Regina, And happy anniversary to you both.
God bless!
Oh, and that header photos is Fabulous, as always. :))

rainfield61 said...

Congratulation to all the "numbers", that's not easy to achieve this.

It is not easy to have dogs become a bumblebee or a pumpkinmy. Do you seek their consensus?

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
Is just inside to wish you a good weekend.
There's no time difference between Denmark and where you live.
Do you think that at. with you is 18.15 tonight - am I right?
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Cute bumbledog hahaha. Wow a very outspoken Pamela Geller. Congratz on your 20th anniversary & your dad's 95th birthday.

Vores have said...

Hello Regina.
Thanks for your sweet comment about Torben's birthday.
Torben is Walter's son, we have 2 + 2 children (both have been married before)
The dog is Torben's dog - a dachshund named Caja.
Sad that you are struggling with your immune system and is sick.
I do not know much about you since we have not blogged as much time together.
I am very pleased to read / look at your beautiful blog, it's so positive.
Regine, I look for your email address but could not find it - I wonder if getting it?
The flag is hoisted, we have to Torben - it's the way how the picture made ​​you want to know more about?
My email address
Wishing you a good Saturday - there are enough evening to you now.
Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

Anya said...

Have a Happy Week-end
lots of love from us


BlueShell said... cute and so funny: loved all...


Hello! I am very glad!
Congratulations with Your father's Birthday!


Congratulations with your 20 years together!!!

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!