Saturday, August 13, 2011

Where East Meets West, Pt 1

Drive by shot-
on the way to the Pana‘ewa Rainforest Zoo & Gardens in town. 
My son called while I was wandering around in Target..he and his girlfriend suggested we head out to the Zoo to see the Corpse flower!
(Amorphophallus titanum).  
The corpse flower blooms every 9-10 yrs or so, when it infrequently emits its smell to attract carrion beetles to what they believe is rotting flesh?
(Read more here) Someone had evidently (and anonymously) donated it..but it grows wild in the Indonesian rain forest of  Sumatra.
The picture below is the only one I took and I'm ashamed to say we were even late for this!! We hadn't been to the zoo for years, so we became distracted.. too busy trying to make faces back at monkey's for crying out loud! Anyway, I missed the smell of death!
Walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling fragrance.
Why they call it the Zoo
I don't care for bars..


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have heard of this plant! Is it as huge as it looks? Kind of glad you missed the smell, as you can't waft it through the computer screen at us anyway! I love the bird feet!

Teté M. Jorge said...

WOW! Wonderful flower, Regina!
I've never seen such one personally...
I missed you, but I wasn't able to post a comment here! I don't know why.
Have a great Sunday, dear!
Warm hug.

The Write Girl said...

What a delightful post Regina. I enjoyed your visit to the rainforest/zoo. Beautiful photos.

Regina said...

It really is Ginny.. kind of. I bet it smells as bad or worse than one of those vases you have sitting on the counter for too long! ha ha,
Hi Teca..missed you as well. It is a pretty cool flower huh! Wishing you a wonderful Sunday too -thanks for your visit! (hugs)
Katina..hey, missed you too, thanks-

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would be glad i missed the smell, we had one bloom here, it was in the papers, but i did not run down to smell it. i love love love the last shot and you knew i would. glad you got to visit the zoo, have not been to one in about 30 years. we live and hour away from the Tampa zoo, have never been there.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

That flower is amazing, awesome and it must be a terrible smell it emits.
:( Strangely enough my ten year old daughter knew what it was straight off, even gave me the name of it without my asking. Hope you're enjoying your weekend...God bless.
Byz. :))

eileeninmd said...

Wow, what an interesting looking plant. I am not so sure of the smell though, sounds icky. Love the shot of the Nene even with the bars. That is the sad thing about zoo is the cages. I do not like the bars either. Regina, I hope you have a wonderful week too.

rainfield61 said...

I like the idea on the meeting of east and west.

But not on the smell of death.. haha..


Hello! What a very interesting and beautiful post!




Have a wonderful day!

Anzu said...

I'm surprised to see the so strange and special flower. It's like a carnivorous plant. Thanks to your precious effort to take the plants blooming. The plants seems as if it swallowed something a little animal alive.

Joyful said...

Wow! That is some flower. I had heard of it long before but forgotten about it. I think you got some great shots.

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!