Monday, February 21, 2011

Most Handsome Fellow In The Village?

Feeling Peckish (they said that)

You may of seen this-
He is head of the world's biggest family in (Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram) - and says he is 'blessed' to have his 39 wives. Ziona Chana also has 94 children, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren. They live in a 100-room, four storey house !

One evening meal can see them pluck 30 chickens, peel 132lb of potatoes and boil up to 220lb of rice!

I couldn't resist this one..
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this arrangement? So please- fire away!


Anzu said...

Surprisingly, (*´ェ`)
I'm a bit envious of their having many mother.

eileeninmd said...

Gee, that is unbelievable. I would love to see the 100 room house. I guess he would feel blessed to have 39 wives. What man wouldn't feel blessed. LOL! BTW, I love your header. It is gorgeous.

rainfield61 said...

I read this in newspaper today, and never remembered I was this guy though looked much more handsome than him.

The emperors in the old China had more than 3000 wifes.

They all "built" their reason that I do not have.

DoanLegacy said...

Oh goodness, that's a big family! It's amazing that they all got along so well..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wierd and not wonderful to me, plain old crazy and i keep thinking WHY? 39 wives blows me away and WHY plus 2 kids drove me nuts and how does he take care of them. nutty as a fruit cake and it is a good thing this is nor normal or we woud all have tomove to the moon or another planet


I do not what to say.From where they are?!
Happy family!


Very interesting post!
Have a good day!

Joop Zand said...

My compliments for your very nice blog.

greetings from Holland, Joop

Kilauea Poetry said... are are huh? lol)..I noticed some of those women in another group photo and they didn't look so happy..I wonder if many became testy over being the favorite??
Eileen..thanks..check that link for the inside of the is a trip!
Rainfields..hillarious..ya, and it would be interesting to compile all those reasons!
DoanLegacy..I'm suspicious (lol)
Sandra, your wondering why and I'm wondering how? (smile)
Hi Amin.. this is in Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, thanks for your visit!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, our first question is where IS this?? Because it is not legal here and they will put you in jail! They just did that with one man and it was all over the news. Which leads me to think this; Wonder why they only put the man in jail and not the women? It does take two to tango, or in this case, 40!

eileeninmd said...

I had to come back after looking at the link for the house. It looks like a hotel, I guess it does not have land for clothes lines. This man does not need any more wives, that's for sure.

The Write Girl said...

Wow that is one large family! It's remarkable how they all make it work. Kudos to them I guess. The women must spend the entire day cooking and cleaning. Yikes! Take Care Regina!!

Joyful said...

Oh cool, lol. I can't believe he has that many wives but when I was in Kenya, one polygamist died. I think he was 89 years old but he had 100 wives and I forget how many children. I have a friend in Mizoram and she is married to a man from USA.

Joyful said...

Oh my thoughts, I guess I understand the cultural aspect of these arrangements as long as the man can really support all of his wives. But for the woman I can't imagine that any of them have that much time with their husband since there are so many of them sharing him. Otherwise it probably works quite well. Does the bible say anything against this? I'm know in biblical times men had more than one wife but I seem to recall something about deacons only having one wife. It does say deacons I think so that doesn't seem to cover all christian men if one is christian.

Kilauea Poetry said... really does look like a hotel Eileen..I agree. After reading more about this place, maybe he's trying to spare them of a worse fate?
Well Penny, I think the Bible does more to discourage it..makes you wonder how the guy can keep up though (lol)..But most women in middle eastern countries don't even have custody of their children, and as for the women in Mizoram - once they hear the husband utter ‘ka ma che (I divorce you)’ she looses custody of her children and property! She is entitled to take back only the customary ‘hmeichhe thuam’ (a mattress, two pillows and her clothes). Now if she is unfaithful, why she only gets to leave with the clothes on her back! I was curious and found it here-
My thought is it leaves the kids vulnerable with a lack of cohesiveness..not to mention the plight of girl babies?


It is very incredible!
Happy family!

gemini said... he's just following Solomon of old. Visiting for the first time and love your post.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Lol) that was good! Greetings Gemini!! Hmm, can you imagine if women did that?

Joyful said...

Hi KP, thanks for locating that additional information about divorce law. Unfortunately in ancient cultures and in many modern cultures, women are not respected and we get laws like the ones described in the article.

Please read this article. It is a story about the man I told you about who died in November when I was in Kenya. He had 100 wives!

Kilauea Poetry said...

You say divorce law? Well I just read about that fellow "Danger" (lol)
Here are just two links below that ought to set things to rest on the issue of polygamy?

"So you’ve got to stick up for yourself, you’ve got to find ways to be a bigger bitch than the next one. And you’ve got to make your own kids really defensive. Sometimes these things are completely outside the ordinary personality of the person whose doing them which is very sad. And because you have all these children and just this one father and they’ve got to get this man’s attention they’ll do anything, they grow up being very competitive" Lola Shoneyin- (A Nigerian woman's perspective)-

A Saudi Woman's perspective-

Joyful said...

I hear theses women...I know I wouldn't like to be one of many wives. But there are so many American women and a some Canadian ones too that are part of polygamous sects. They claim to like it though I know they can't very well say otherwise as it is part of their cultural/religious mindset.

Annie Jeffries said...

For so many people, the household seems very clean and orderly. Mutual cooperation makes it happen.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hello Annie..well, I look at it almost like I would child abuse. They can't speak for themselves and tend to get lost in the shuffle..why I included the links above here in the comment section -as a voice (also why we have
Thanks Penny for the response:)

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!