Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Light Reflections

"Where is the way where light dwelleth"
Job 38:19

Another series of the enchanted forest

Jewels reflecting light

(might as well enlarge)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did and always do enlarge to see your beautiful details. the first one is a fern of somekind, right? i really like the crytals hanging on whatever that is, beautiful

Flat Creek Farm said...

InCREDible!! Just simply awesome.. love them all, including your gorgeous header. Thank you for sharing your beautiful captures, and verse with us today. They always bring such joy to me! -Tammy

Leenie said...

I love how the light turns the water to sparkling jewels. Light dwells where you are. So glad you share the beauty.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow!!! The drops on the third picture appear to be amber, I don't know if it's the light or what. The last picture looks like ice crystals clinging to the leaf, but I know it's not. I usually do enlarge your pictures, there's so much going on in them, beauty and mystery both.

The Write Girl said...

Brilliant photos!! I'm always amazed at the beauty that grows in Hawaii. So tropical. Today it was 90 where I live so I had a bit of tropical weather myself :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hello Sandra, Tammy & Leenie- that is a fern (hapuu) and those are beads of water that collected from the rain. Ginny, your right, it does have amber hues. Wow, that does sound hot Katina! Thanks to you all-

Regina said...

Truly like jewels! Pretty amazing my friend.
Thank you for sharing.

doro said...

Fantastic - like always!
Really jewels ;)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there Doro and Regina- thank you both!!

Unknown said...

these photos are awesome.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You always make the most interesting comments!! I love reading them. Yikes on the ants!! Do you think they killed the bird, or it died and then attracted them? Was the water filter on your faucet?? And they got into that? My husband says they only like food and will leave chemicals alone - LIKE PILLS!!! As if! But then a water filter has charcoal and stuff in it. I think you posted twice yesterday, I just noticed the one on comments. I don't mind people reading my comments at all. Sometimes I will read what others say, if they are people I know. I think people shouldn't put information in a public forum if they don't want others seeing it. I love your comment set up just as it is, and here's why. I like it that the pictures are with the comment box so you can keep refering to them as you type. You have the best comment setup of anyone. On others, I'll be wanting to comment on something in a certain picture, but then will have to minimize the form to see the picture again. You have everything right here.


Dear Friend!Wonderful!
It is very hard to find the words to comment so like photos.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thanks for this visit Dave! Hey Ginny..thank you! The bird was really did appear resonsive but who knows? My bird is getting pretty old now but I'm sure I'd notice something in advance.
Those filters.wWe bought an extra one at the time so hadn't opened it. Anyway, they made an entire home in there..all the way in to the core? They've been getting into the outlets and coffee maker as well.
Interesting about the charcoal? Ill get back to you on tweeking your comments- (hugs). Aloha Amin!! I wish sometimes I could disappear in that enchanted world! Have a wonderful day-


Good morning! Wonderful post!


Good morning!
Tace care ,Dear Friend!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thank you Amin for your thoughtfulness!! Hope you have a terrific weekend my friend!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling bad! Two things at once, huh? You are in my thoughts and I'm saying a prayer for you.

Joyful said...

Wow! Those are fantastic photos. What kind of camera/lens do you use to get those great close ups? Or did I ask you that already, lol! Hope you're having a great weekend so far. Blessings in Him. xx

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, ya, it's been draining my energy/creativity but your comment is a shot! Thank you (hugs)-
Hey thanks's a sony cybershot 7.2 mp. Sometimes I'm disappointed I'm unable to photograph a lizards tonsils (grin)- hope your having a wonderful weekend-


Good day!How are You?
I love Your photos!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Amin- thank you.. and for asking! I haven't been able to post anything yet, maybe tomorrow? Hoping my energy comes back? Have a sunny day!!

Anya said...

Really almost jewels ........... LOL
Where did you find that
very special plants are growing at your place!!
Wonderful unique shots today :-)
Have a relaxing sunday Regina


Yes,I agree....jewels...


Good day,Dear Friend!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Phew, Regina the last two times I have been to visit, I haven't been able to leave you a comment. You comment box was missing, relieved it's here tonight. How are you?
Well I hope! You header photo is magnificent, and so are these shots.

fond regards,
Eaton. :))

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hey there Eaton..boy, this is strange- I was thinking about you last night and know I need to pay you a visit! I'm really glad you stopped by! I'm hanging in there. Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day and things weren't too hectic for you? Ill be be by shortly-

Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!