Friday, July 20, 2012

When I Prayed For A Sign!

(Read the tiny print above)

Sharia- The ICNA- a roughly $3 million dollar campaign will feature billboards in at least 15 U.S. cities, “Shariah seminars” on 20 college campuses, and town hall-style forums and interfaith events in 25 cities-

This sinister, deceptive taqiyya campaign has 3 million dollars, and we're having trouble scraping together two nickels for our campaign countering it with the truth. If we had 3 million dollars, everyone in America would know the truth about Shariah.
So are Americans right to associate Shariah with stonings, amputations, clitorectomies, honor killings, death for apostates, the denial of free speech, and the treatment of women like slaves? When has there ever been a Shariah state that didn't feature those things?

Now this brings me to the letter congresswoman Michele Bachmann wrote what's his name..who swore on the Koran? Rep Kieth Ellison..then what McCain said? 
Hmm.. well lets have a look at what former Judge Louie Gohmert had to say to
DHS Judge Janet Napalitano-
The Dark Muslim Brotherhood World of Huma Abedin 1 and 2 
Just click the links and you can be the judge-

Saturday, July 14, 2012

When Theo Begged..

“Can’t we talk about this?”

Life On The Run..The author of the best-selling memoir Infidel recalls the brutal murder of  Theo Van Gogh that forced her to abandon Holland and seek refuge in America.

One November morning in 2004, Theo van Gogh got up to go to work at his film production company in Amsterdam. He took out his old black bicycle and headed down a main road. Waiting in a doorway was a Moroccan man with a handgun and two butcher knives..(more here)
Ayaan Hirsi Ali- (born in Somalia, raised in Somalia as well as Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and Kenya)

What your not allowed to talk about and why- I just saw this and wow..Pamela Geller nails it!! Another powerful voice for our time-
Poem I penned awhile back which I feel is relevant today- (I mean, Theo begged.. but time (too much) had passed didn't it? The lesson is, if demands aren't made for free speech now, then don't expect to reason- as it will only be a one way street?)
The Fork & The Measuring Rod-
While I'm here
But you know we're there..
It's the present
Still it's the past
Take a picture
Fast foreword the video
Listen to an audio
We look out of our window
Life's in frames
We don't carry
A measuring rod,
Not near enough
To a weather vane
They're only gages, really..
Like some kind of chess board
Moving over lines, we once
Could hide behind
Turning into one road
From the other
We declined
When you've missed the fork
From the future you can see-
You lost time
When the present finds us
Out of line-
But the drama's
Merely trauma
When your pasts
Just been defined-

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What Should Victims Do?

Are you a victim?
I came across this one while sipping a nice hot cup of coffee this morning, wondering how many others had a big grin on their face like me when they read it? (heh heh)
 (Obama bill-paying hoax sweeps up victims nationwide) 
An aunt, Lee said, insisted that she paid her insurance and cell phone bills with one of the "routing numbers she received through the grapevine."

A nephew used the system to make a car payment..

It gets richer-

"I guess because everybody needs some type of help, Lee said it's really bad out there"

Uniformed con men with clipboards went door to door in a handful of states, signing people up by collecting Social Security numbers and then giving them phony bank routing numbers to use to pay their bills."
(No matter what you heard, President Barack Obama won't pay your bills)
 Hmm, I see they posted a picture of two white people?
Speaking of cons..wonder if I could balance this out?
There..I fixed it! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Emphasis Must Be On The Order...

I'm a slave, what can I say?
Romans 6:16 says "But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now
claimed your allegiance"
Life in Christ..this slavery Romans is referring to, is just as simple as gravity. Sure you could ignore it all but there wouldn't be much life to it.
vs. 18 "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness." Well perhaps you have a problem with the idea we're sinners..but we do have laws and stuff because of..shall we say, baaaad behavior (lol) 
This is therapy for me..but I'll make a good point -promise (heh heh)
Now, no one can trap your thoughts.. 
(My dog could be thinking something fuzzy)
For instance,  Anderson Cooper announced he's gay..that doesn't concern me in the least, but the battle is currently over ideas. It's uncanny when once you freely give yourself (unlike something tyrannical) you naturally fall into line..I mean it's set up that way..a Spiritual order of things, whether we recognize it or not.
But what happens is, you sort of begin placing things in that order- a priority..where you don't have to try. It takes a little vision..think of it as a natural way to keep your sanity (like dusting your brains) the hard part is our will.. bringing your own thoughts into alignment (captive) the way God intended.
But this is an exercise which God has certainly equipped us with to practice.
My husband demonstrated vision yesterday morning. He yanked the ice box out and thoroughly cleaned all the dust that accumulated underneath. The result is, the cooling system is humming and he saved us trouble in the future..that's what you want!
So back to Cooper.. it isn't that I think he's a bad man for his choice or even a good man.. rather I might think of the distraction like this -"Gee, back in February of last year, CNN producer Steve Brusk Tweeted, "Anderson said he was punched 10 times in the head as pro-Mubarak mob surrounded him and his crew trying to cover the demonstration" back in Egypt.
But, what the media intentionally failed to mention for over a week (oh those pesky thoughts that other people have) was the fact that Lara Logan

who also accompanied Cooper, was sexually assaulted by a mob of at least 200 muslim men. isn't enough just sort through your own darn, I'm gathering it would be much better for us for them, if we all thought the pro-Mubarak mob was responsible? Ohhh, wonder why?
Alright..more on order. But see, it was our administration who decided to make LGBT mandatory, bringing sweeping changes in the school system (baaad idea)
Why do I mention this again? (Coming up next) Despite a plea from the Obama administration that the military ban on sodomy and bestiality be luck,  
but relaaax, their working on it though!

Well, they'd love it if everyone just got caught up over the issue of someone elses thoughts..but we can't afford to do that, can we?
In closing, when I hear about hate crimes  thoughts, it might be tempting, but the only way to adjust this smoke screen, is to simply remind each other about what our conscious was made for! It's the power of the cross.. course, you still have to use it (heh heh) 
~My loving thoughts~
Let's be perfectly clear- the war on free speech is spiritual!